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【?2005-08-02 發布?】 美迪醫訊



ISA公司副總裁Matthew Campisi指出:“我們十分高興能夠開始與Cornell大學的研究,我們相信來自Sentinel系統的研究信息,將會證明這套系統能夠在對抗乳房癌的戰爭中發揮作用。Sentinel系統能夠為乳房健康信息提供嶄新的生理學資料,而這些資料不能從任何其它非創傷性檢測方法中獲得。”



Breast Imaging System
A clinical study to evaluate a new breast imaging system will focus on determining the adjunctive effectiveness of the system for early cancer detection.

The Sentinel BreastScan imaging system, developed by Infrared Sciences Corp. (ISC; Stony Brook, NY, USA), will be assessed at the New York Presbyterian Hospital-Weill Medical College of Cornell University (New York, NY, USA). Study participants will have been scheduled to undergo a breast biopsy, either by ultrasound or mammography. The study will correlate the outcomes of pathology, radiology, and the breast imaging system.

“We are pleased and excited to commence this study with Cornell, and we believe that the information obtained from the Sentinel system will prove it to be a highly effective adjunctive tool in the war against breast cancer,” noted Matthew Campisi, vice president, ISC. “The Sentinel system provides a new physiological dimension to breast health information that is not available from any other fully noninvasive testing material.”

The Sentinel BreastScan is a painless, touchless, noninvasive technique offered to women of any age. The technology is based on sophisticated digital infrared imaging that is combined with advanced software employing artificial intelligence methods. Immediately following the four-minute test, it provides the clinician with a fully-interpreted, objective report.

The technology is intended to be an adjunctive procedure and does not replace mammography or ultrasound, or stand alone as a single test that can determine overall breast health.

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