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【?2005-08-29 發布?】 美迪醫訊


FreeStyle Conect系統只需要非常少量的樣本(0.3毫升),這是目前所有床邊血糖監測系統中所需要的最少量的樣本。這套系統使用的技術是庫侖檢測器測量技術,這項技術能夠檢測幾乎所有血液樣本中的血糖,這就使得該技術成為檢測小樣本量的理想選擇。FreeStyle Connect還是速度最快的床邊檢測系統,能夠在15妙的時間內給出結果。精確性與血氧水平無關,結果不會受到非處方藥物的影響,例如維生素和阿司匹林。而且系統的界面與所有床邊數據控制系統一樣簡單。

加拿大Alberta大學實驗室醫學與微生物學副教授George Cembrowski說:“研究證實,FreeStyle Connect只需要少量樣本就可以提供精確結果,或許能夠為檢測動脈和新生兒樣本產生好處。除此之外,還可以節約護理時間,這在繁忙的醫院中能夠產生重要的效益?!?/P>

FreeStyle Connect是Abbott糖尿病檢測公司(Alameda, CA, USA)的產品,該公司一直致力于研制開發降低血糖監測繁瑣性和復雜性的產品。

POC Blood Glucose Monitoring
A new point-of-care (POC) system for measuring blood glucose uses the smallest sample size and offers the fastest test time. The system has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The FreeStyle Connect system requires a very small sample size (0.3 ml), the smallest required by any POC blood glucose monitoring system. The system uses a technology based on coulometric measurement, a technology that measures virtually all of the available glucose in the blood sample, making it ideal for measuring a small sample size. FreeStyle Connect is also the fastest POC system, providing results within an average of 15 seconds. Accuracy is independent of blood oxygen levels and the results are not affected by common over-the-counter drugs such as vitamins and aspirin. Furthermore, the system interfaces easily with any open POC data-management system.

“Studies have demonstrated that FreeStyle Connect provides accurate results using a very small sample size that may offer advantages with challenging arterial and neonatal samples,” observed George Cembrowski, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor, laboratory medicine and pathology, University of Alberta (Canada). “In addition, it may save nursing time, which is a key benefit in a busy hospital.”

FreeStyle Connect is the product of Abbott Diabetes Care (Alameda, CA, USA), a company committed to developing products to reduce the discomfort and inconvenience of blood glucose monitoring.

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