
  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Barco公司推出醫療影像平板顯示器  


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一種新型性價比良好的1MP、18英寸灰階平板顯示器的清晰度達到了1280 x 1024。



這種顯示器還能夠聯合高速Barcomed NIO展示控制器,配備了Barco公司獲得Aura技術。具有64位外圍設備成分交互連接(PCI)特征,圖像下載速度達到每秒200兆,Barcomed NIO特別適合快速顯示控制器。

Medical Imaging Flat Panel Display
A new cost-effective 1 MP, 18-inch grayscale flat panel display has a 1280 x 1024 resolution.

Barco (Kortrijk, Belgium) has just received clearance from the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its MFGD 1218 flat panel display for medical viewing. The viewer’s high brightness, image clarity, and excellent viewing angle make it a suitable system for many medical applications, including picture archiving and communications systems (PACS), computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and angiography.

The viewer display comes with Barco’s user-friendly Niowatch software, optimizing the display for digital imaging and communications in medicine- (DICOM)-compliant viewing. With Niowatch, only a few easy steps are required to determine the transfer curve of the display and adapt it in accordance with DICOM part 14, the directive for viewing medical images. In combination with an optical sensor, Niowatch performs accurate DICOM calibration and customized QA checks.

The viewer can also be combined with the high-speed Barcomed NIO display controller, featuring Barco’s proprietary Aura technology. With 64-bit peripheral component interconnect (PCI) performance and image download speeds up to 200 MB per second, the Barcomed NIO is an extremely fast display controller.

Barco designs and develops systems for large screen visualization, display systems for life-critical applications, and systems for visual inspection.

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