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首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Vasamed公司推出非創傷性血液動力學診斷系統 |
Vasamed公司推出非創傷性血液動力學診斷系統 【?2005-09-15 發布?】 美迪醫訊
這種AcQtrac ICG系統提供了快速可靠的信息,幫助醫生評估和治療晚期心衰、高血壓和其他心血管疾病。根據Vasamed公司的說法,該系統的非創傷性監測設備比其他同類的非創傷性產品更加安全、有效而且性價比更好。正是該公司研制了這套系統。 “這套AcQtrac ICG在其同類產品是獨一無二的,它能夠提供心臟的波形‘圖像’,可以作為診斷的輔助資料,有助于指導藥物治療,” Paulita LaPlante如此評論說,她是Vasamed (Minneapolis, MN, USA)公司的總裁,該公司研制開發了這套AcQtrac系統。“作為一個女人,我特別關注每年有女性死于心血管疾病的比乳腺癌還要多。事實上在美國死于心臟疾病和腦卒中疾病的女性要比男性還多。” 研究現實對女性心血管疾病的診斷更加困難。Vasamed致力于提供醫療策略和解決方案,改善女性患者以及其他患者的預后。該公司預期將他們的新診斷工具推向心衰診所、私人心臟病診室、重癥監護室、急診科、兒科心臟病專家。 Hemodynamic Diagnostic System The AcQtrac ICG system provides rapid, reliable information enabling doctors to assess and treat advanced heart failure, hypertension, and other cardiovascular diseases. The system’s noninvasive monitors are safer, more efficient, and more cost-effective to use than it noninvasive counterparts, according to Vasamed, which developed the system. “The AcQtrac ICG is unique in its class since it provides a waveform ‘image’ of the heart that serves as a diagnostic aid and helpful tool in guiding drug therapy management,” said Paulita LaPlante, president of Vasamed (Minneapolis, MN, USA), which developed the AcQtrac system. “As a woman, I am particularly focused on the tragedy that more women die of cardiovascular disease annually than they do from breast cancer. In fact more women than men in the United States die of heart disease and stroke.” Research has shown that it is more difficult to diagnose cardiovascular disease in women. Vasamed intends to offer medical strategies and solutions that improve outcomes for women as well as all other patients. The company anticipates marketing its new diagnostic tool to heart-failure clinics, private cardiology offices, critical care monitoring units, emergency departments, and pediatric cardiology specialists. /**/本文關鍵字:
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