
  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > 德國Viatris開發的藥物吸入器滿足哮喘治療需求  


【?2005-10-08 發布?】 美迪醫訊


大多數哮喘患者不能正確使用他們的吸入器,而且大多數患者對他們的治療方案并不依從。倫敦Guy醫學院、King醫學院、St.Thomas醫學院呼吸醫學和過敏反應系的Brian O'Connor醫生說:“為了幫助患者,治療方案應當簡單;應當說服患者有效地接受治療,給藥方案應當盡可能的最少。最重要的是,確保患者能夠正確使用吸入器。”


這種新型可灌裝設備叫做Novolizer,使用氣旋作用將顆粒解凝聚,以確保藥物在肺臟的有效分布。該設備設計比目前日常使用的其他設備更加容易操作,特別適合兒童和老人使用。Novolizer目前在英國獲得批準應用。該設備是由德國Viatris Pharmaceuticals GmbH (Bad Homburg, Germany)公司研制開發的。

Asthmatics Need Better Delivery Devices
During the annual congress of the European Respiratory Society (ERS), held in Copenhagen (Denmark) in September 2005, clinicians called for more efficient delivery devices for asthma patients.

Most asthma patients cannot use their inhalers correctly and many are noncompliant with their treatment regimens. “To help patients, the treatment plan should be kept simple, the patient should be persuaded of the effectiveness of the treatment, and the dosing regimen should be minimized as much as possible,” said Dr. Brian O’Connor, department of respiratory medicine and allergy, Guy’s, King’s, and St. Thomas’ School of Medicine in London (UK). “Most importantly of all, ensure that the patient can use the inhalers correctly.”

Basic medication used to treat asthma has changed little over the years. What has changed are the numerous devices used to deliver the medications. Despite effective training and counseling, patients are still experiencing problems. Using a device usually requires good hand-breath coordination. Clinicians at the meeting evaluated a new dry powder inhaler (DPI), a novel delivery device that has been specifically developed to be easy to use correctly and ensure deposition of sufficient medication to the lungs.

The new refillable device, called Novolizer, uses a cyclone effect for particle deagglomeration in order to achieve effective lung deposition. It is designed to be easier to operate than many other devices in daily practice, making it easy for children and the elderly to use. The Novolizer is currently approved for use in the United Kingdom for budesonide. The device was developed by Viatris Pharmaceuticals GmbH (Bad Homburg, Germany).

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