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EnSite新型心臟繪圖工具 【?2005-10-21 發布?】 美迪醫訊
“EnSite系統5.1版的引入,是3D [三維]導航和觀察技術的重要進步,” Jane J. Song如此評論說,他是St. Jude醫療心房纖顫分部的總裁 (St. Paul, MN, USA)。 “與EnSite Verismo分割工具配套使用,這將為臨床 醫生提供更多的臨床應用價值,主要通過增加治療的速度、使用便利性和可操控性。這些特性是有效的EP治療的重要組成部分。” EnSite 5.1軟件具有多點工藝,其設計目的是增加心臟繪圖的速度和效率。EnSite Verismo分割工具使用CT和核磁共振掃描來建立3D心臟模型,能夠在治療設計、幾何模型建立、以及治療輸送的有效性方面 起到輔助作用。EnSite系統包含在2005年1月St. Jude醫療心臟內解決方案之中(ESI; St. Paul, MN, USA)。 使用EnSite系統,電生理醫生能夠在EP治療過程中,創建患者心臟解剖學的3D模型,在治療過程中引導導管的走向。該系統收集并組織心臟內壁的激活和電壓,使得醫生能夠在3D模型上觀察心率不齊,并 確定治療策略。 Cardiac Mapping Tools flexibility of visualization and navigation during EP procedures. “The introduction of EnSite system version 5.1 is a significant advance in 3D [three-dimensional] navigation and visualization technology,” said Jane J. Song, president of the St. Jude Medical atrial fibrillation division (St. Paul, MN, USA). “Combined with the EnSite Verismo segmentation tool, this upgrade will provide greater clinical value for physicians through increased speed, flexibility, and control during procedures. These capabilities are a crucial part of effective EP procedures.” The EnSite 5.1 software features MultiPoint technology, which is designed to increase the speed and efficiency of cardiac mapping procedures. The EnSite Verismo segmentation tool uses computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans to construct 3D cardiac models that assist in procedure planning, geometry creation, and validation of therapy delivery. The EnSite system was included in St. Jude Medical’s acquisition of Endocardial Solutions, Inc. (ESI; St. Paul, MN, USA) in January 2005. Using the EnSite system, electrophysiology clinicians can create 3D models of their patients’ cardiac anatomy during EP procedures and navigate the catheters used in those procedures. The system then collects and organizes activation and voltage data from the inner surface of the heart, allowing physicians to visualize arrhythmias on the 3D model and determine a treatment strategy. 本文關鍵字:
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