
  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Iridex公司的固態激光系統同時滿足眼科和耳鼻喉科的需要  


【?2005-10-25 發布?】 美迪醫訊


在2005年9月洛山磯召開的美國耳鼻喉科醫師學會上,Iridex(Mountain View, CA, USA)公司介紹了這套系統。Iridex是全球范圍內皮膚科和眼科市場半導體激光系統的領先供應商,銷售的國家超過了100多個國家。新型激光系統擴大了該公司OcuLight產品生產線,使得該公司成功打入耳、鼻、和喉科市場。

“OcuLight激光將我們公司在手術室中眼科固態激光技術方面的經驗變成了財富, 使我們能夠同時滿足眼科和耳鼻喉科的需要,”Iridex總裁兼首席執行官Barry G. Caldwell說,“我們的技術將滿足手術室為這兩個專業提供一套標準激光平臺。”

OcuLight OR 激光是Iridex公司制造的OcuLight綠色激光家族的最新成員。OcuLight OR激光專門為手術室環境而設計,具有用戶友好的控制界面。這種激光具有高亮顯示和大型方便閱讀的標簽。其能量具有很好的效能,不需要常規激光維護或者專門電子或者鉛工藝,而這些都是老式電子管工藝所需要的。

Solid-State Laser System
A new green laser is designed for use in the operating room by otologists for otosclerosis and by ophthalmologists for retinal photocoagulation, which will allow hospitals to use one standard laser platform across specialties.

The laser was introduced at the American Academy of Otolaryngologists in Los Angles (CA, USA) in September 2005 by Iridex Corp. (Mountain View, CA, USA). Iridex is a leading worldwide provider of semiconductor-based laser systems for the dermatology and ophthalmology markets, with distribution in more than 100 countries. The new laser expands the company’s OcuLight product line and allows the company to enter the ear, nose, and throat (ENT) market.

“The OcuLight laser capitalizes on our experience with ophthalmic solid-state laser technology and our presence in the operating room, allowing us to serve both ophthalmic and ENT needs,” said Barry G. Caldwell, president and CEO of Iridex. “Our technology will allow operating rooms to standardize one laser platform across both medical specialties.

The OcuLight OR laser is the newest addition to the OcuLight green product family manufactured by Iridex. The OcuLight OR laser was specifically designed for the operating room environment and contains a user-friendly control interface. The laser features bright displays and large easy-to-read labeling. It is energy-efficient and does not require regular laser maintenance or special electrical or plumbing as was needed by older tube-based technology.

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