
  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > CL和Uroplasty公司幾種泌尿科新產品推向市場  


【?2005-10-29 發布?】 美迪醫訊


這種尿道懸帶是CL醫療器械公司(Lyon, France)的產品,已經成功投放歐洲市場。根據CL公司的一項排他性協議,Uroplasty公司(Minneapolis, MN, USA)正在美國和英國市場制造這種懸帶,并將一種叫做I-STOP的設備推向市場。


Sling to Treat Female Incontinence
A biocompatible polypropylene, tension-free, mid-urethral sling is designed for the treatment of incontinence in women. The sling has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The product of CL Medical (Lyon, France), the sling has been successfully launched in European markets. Under an exclusive agreement with CL Medical, Uroplasty, Inc. (Minneapolis, MN, USA) is manufacturing the sling and marketing the device, called I-STOP, in the United States and the United Kingdom.

Uroplasty has developed or is developing several other products for voiding dysfunction. These include the Urgent PC neuromodulation system that is a minimally invasive nerve stimulation device for office-based treatment of overactive bladder symptoms of urge incontinence and urinary urgency and frequency. Macroplastique implants, another Uroplasty product, offer an implantable soft tissue bulking product for both male and female incontinence. When Macroplastique is injected into tissue around the urethra, it stabilizes and “bulks” tissues close to the urethra, providing the surrounding muscles with increased capability to control the release of urine.

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