
  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > BeckmanCoulter公司推出第一套連接實驗室信息系統  


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第一種能夠為實驗室信息系統(LIS)提供連通性的血細胞計數系統,綜合了Beckman Coulter(Fullerton, CA, USA)公司的FC 500流式細胞儀和該公司的新型FP 1000樣本處理系統。



“這種新的解決方案代表了我們公司戰略的核心--將用戶操作過程簡單化和自動化,”Beckman Coulter公司翻譯解決方案事務中心副總裁Bonnie Anderson說,“通過引入完全整合的細胞計數解決方案,我們進一步鞏固了我們公司在流式細胞儀自動化領域的領導者地位。”

Cytometry System With LIS Connectivity
The first cytometry system to offer laboratory information system (LIS) connectivity combines the FC 500 flow cytometer of Beckman Coulter (Fullerton, CA, USA) with the company’s new FP 1000 sample processing system.

Designed for high-volume clinical reference laboratories, this integrated cytometry solution (ICS) streamlines workflow and tracks samples throughout the testing process--from receipt and preparation, to acquisition and analysis of data, to reporting results. This is an approach that helps laboratories to standardize their flow cytometry testing process, increasing efficiency, accuracy, and operator safety.

Flow cytometry is widely used to provide an automated analysis of blood cell populations. It is commonly used in in vitro diagnostics to identify and enumerate cell populations that are key indicators of diseases, such as HIV, leukemia, and lymphoma. These indicators help monitor disease progression and therapy effectiveness.

“This new solution reflects the essence of our company’s strategy--to simplify and automate customer processes to improve productivity,” said Bonnie Anderson, vice president of Beckman Coulter’s Translational Solutions business center. “Through the introduction of a fully integrated cytometry solution, we are further securing our position as a leader in flow cytometry automation.”

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