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首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Spectral與IDx公司聯合開發西尼羅河病毒快速檢測方法 |
Spectral與IDx公司聯合開發西尼羅河病毒快速檢測方法 【?2005-11-25 發布?】 美迪醫訊
西尼羅河病毒感染是一種蚊傳播疾病,據信在過去數年的流行中感染了北美洲數以萬計的患者。醫生很難根據癥狀進行診斷,現在使用的檢測方法需要數周才能提供檢測結果。每150例感染病毒的患者大約有1例會發生嚴重的感染,例如腦膜腦炎或者腦膜炎,將會導致癱瘓或者死亡。在2005年,據估計這種病毒已經在北美洲導致將近100例患者死亡,得到確證的病例數以千計。 這種IgM STATus快速檢測方法是由Spectral診斷學公司(Toronto, Canada)及其聯合研究與開發伙伴IDx公司(Burlington, VT, USA)研制開發的。Spectral已經開發了數種快速檢測方法,包括心臟病發作和敗血癥指標的檢測方法。 Rapid Test for West Nile Virus West Nile virus infection is a mosquito-borne illness believed to have infected tens of thousands of people in North America since its emergence over the last several years. Symptoms are difficult for doctors to diagnose, and current testing practices may take as long as two weeks to provide clinical results. About 1 in every 150 patients infected with the virus will develop a serious infection such as encephalitis or meningitis, which can result in paralysis or death. In 2005, it is estimated that the virus has killed nearly 100 people in North America to date, with several thousand cases confirmed. The IgM STATus rapid test was developed by Spectral Diagnostics, Inc. (Toronto, Canada) and its joint-venture research and development partner, IDx, Inc. (Burlington, VT, USA). Spectral has developed several rapid-format tests, including a test measuring markers of heart attack and a test for sepsis. /**/本文關鍵字:
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