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英國Shire開發的碳酸鑭能夠延長腎病患者生命 【?2005-11-28 發布?】 美迪醫訊
對全球將近1百萬面臨高磷酸血癥嚴重并發癥危險的患者而言,這些研究結果是令人振奮的消息,高磷酸血癥是血液中出現過量磷酸鹽所導致的疾病。這種疾病是許多ESRD患者幾乎不可避免的結果,在許多患者沒有得到有效治療。接受血液透析的患者低磷酸鹽飲食是十分必要的,但是對許多嚴格控制飲食,血中磷酸鹽水平仍然升高。 如果不能有效治療,高磷酸鹽血癥會導致腎性骨營養不良,或者導致心血管疾病,這幾乎導致半數接受透析治療患者的死亡。Fosrenal通過結合消化道食物中的磷酸鹽來發揮作用。一旦結合Fosrenal復合物不能通過腸道而進入血液,從而被機體排除體外,顯著地降低磷酸鹽的吸收。Fosrenal是由英國Shire全球臨床醫學(Basingstoke, UK)公司研制開發的。 Drug Aids Renal Patients Long Term These results are promising news for the nearly one million people worldwide at risk for the serious consequences of hyperphosphatemia, a condition caused by an excess amount of phosphate in the blood. The condition is an almost inevitable consequence of ESRD and remains poorly controlled in many patients. A low phosphate diet is essential for managing dialysis patients but many have highly elevated levels despite maintaining a strict diet. If not well-managed, hyperphosphatemia can cause renal osteodystrophy or contribute to cardiovascular disease, which accounts for almost half of all deaths among dialysis patients. Fosrenal works by binding to dietary phosphate in the gastrointestinal tract. Once bound, the Fosrenal complex cannot pass through the intestinal lining into the bloodstream and is eliminated from the body, decreasing phosphate absorption significantly. Fosrenal was developed by Shire Global Clinical Medicine (Basingstoke, UK). /**/本文關鍵字:
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