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Pie醫療設備(Maastricht, the Netherlands)公司是Picus超聲系統和Picus-Just四維系統的制造商,是Esaote SpA(Florence, Italy)公司的分支機構,是歐洲醫療診斷設備的領先制造商,是全球高級核磁共振(MRI)和信息系統的領先供應商。

4D Fetal Ultrasound System

A new real-time, four-dimensional (4D) ultrasound imaging system provides real-time emotion to prospective parents.

The Picus-Just 4D is suitable for busy practices where reliable results and high patient throughput are important. Picus-Just 4D is a cost-effective and easy-to-learn-and-use system for 4D ultrasound. In the 4D mode, the developing fetus can be viewed in real-time throughout the pregnancy. Data from the scanning session can be easily stored to save 4D movies on a CD for the patient to take home to share with the whole family.

Exclusive to Picus-Just 4D is the novel stereoscopy feature. This unique technology creates the “feeling” of depth. The viewers experience the true realism of volumetric ultrasound with special anaglyph glasses.

The system not only provides the option of real-time 4D imaging, but the user can choose between the 2D, 3D, and 4D scanning modalities throughout the examination. The combination of the Picus’ high quality 2D and 3D images, with the high-resolution 4D rendering produced by the Picus-Just 4D ultrasound software, delivers an excellent 4D imaging experience.

Picus-Just 4D includes all of the features of the Picus ultrasound system’s 2D and 3D imaging configurations, including a wide range of application settings and calculation packages, digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM)-compatible connectivity, and a choice of convex, linear, endocavity, and micro convex probes.

Pie Medical Equipment (Maastricht, the Netherlands), the manufacturer of the Picus ultrasound system and Picus-Just 4D, is a division of Esaote SpA (Florence, Italy), a leading European manufacturer of medical diagnostic equipment, a a global provider of dedicated magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and information technology.

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