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Eclipsys公司推出先進的醫療信息無線接入方案 【?2005-12-07 發布?】 美迪醫訊
Pocket XA是Eclipsys Sunrise公司的無線伙伴,這是Eclipsys公司(Boca Raton, FL, USA)先進的臨床解決方案。在袖珍PC上運行能夠獲取重要的臨床信息,無聊在監護現場還是醫院或者診所內外具有無線接入端口的地方。 使用微軟.NET技術,Eclipsys公司開發了該公司在袖珍PC設備上管理患者醫療資料的關鍵部分。這為醫護人員提供了在任何時候以及具有接入端口的任何地方,獲取患者信息和當前狀態的可能。 因此,醫生可以獲取當前的實驗室以及其他診斷結果,審核當前使用的藥物,以及使用條形碼技術來鑒別患者。Pocket XA還允許醫生直接從設備上開出藥物處方以及作出進一步實驗室檢查的醫囑。 InfoWorld媒體集團(San Francisco, CA, USA)推選出2005年InfoWorld 100項最有創新性的產品,Pocket XA無線解決方案位列其中。該集團提供最新科技方面的新聞郵件和報告。 Wireless Access to Critical Information Pocket XA is a wireless companion to the Eclipsys Sunrise, an advanced clinical solution from Eclipsys Corp. (Boca Raton, FL, USA). Running on a Pocket PC, it provides wireless access to critical clinical information, both at the point of care and at wireless locations inside or outside a hospital or clinic. Using Microsoft .NET technology, Eclipsys developed the key components for the medical management of patients on the Pocket PC device. This provides doctors and nurses with access to critical patient information and current status at any time and from virtually anywhere that has a wireless access point. As a result, doctors can access current lab and other diagnostic results, review current medications, as well as make positive patient identification using barcode technology. Pocket XA also enables doctors to place orders for medications and additional lab work directly from the device. The Pocket XA wireless solution was recognized as one of the most innovative uses of enterprise technology in healthcare by the 2005 InfoWorld 100, sponsored by the InfoWorld Media Group (San Francisco, CA, USA), which provides newsletters and reports on new technology. 本文關鍵字:
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