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【?2005-12-21 發布?】 美迪醫訊


Alara公司(Fremont, CA, USA)已經為CRystalView R200系統研發了一種靈活而精確的性價比良好的CR替代選擇。在2005年11月/12月美國芝加哥召開的北美放射學學會(RSNA)年會上,Alara展示了這套新型桌面CR系統。


為了滿足諸如急診室和大型放射科的臨床科室的要求, 這套RIS系統可以作為高通量科室的合適需求,能夠每小時獲取超過50盤14 x 17的影像,并在60秒鐘內即可展示。CRystalView R200系統還適合在由于業務繁忙不能關閉的診所和醫院中數字X線放射(DR)系統的輔助設備。

Desktop CR System
Designed as a compact system small enough for desktop or mobile use, a new computed radiography (CR) system combines excellent image quality with a 50-plus plate-per-hour output, making the system suitable for a variety of clinical settings including small office practices, clinics, hospitals, emergency rooms (ERs), and other demanding imaging environments.

Alara, Inc. (Fremont, CA, USA) has developed a flexible, accurate, and cost-effective CR alternative in the CRystalView R200 system. Alara recently presented the new desktop CR system at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North American (RSNA) in Chicago (IL, USA) in November/December 2005.

The system, including a CR reader, imaging plates, cassettes, quality control (QC) workstation and related software, gives users the performance and latest technology, including rapid acquisition of images with 12-pixels/mm pixel pitch (high resolution mode) and 16-bit grayscale resolution, which provides excellent quality for every image.

For demanding clinical environments such as ERs and large radiology departments, this RIS system is an appropriate choice with its high throughput capability of 50-plus plates per hour for 14 x 17 images and only 60 seconds to image display. The CRystalView R200 system is also suitable as an adjunct for digital radiography (DR) where clinics and hospitals cannot afford to shut down their busy radiology practices.

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