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美推出治療肺動脈性高血壓的給藥設備 【?2006-01-10 發布?】 美迪醫訊
CoTherix公司(San Francisco, CA, USA)和Respironics公司(Murrysville, PA, USA)已經宣布將I-neb自適應性氣溶膠輸送(AAD)設備用于Ventavis吸入解決方案。 I-neb只有不到8盎司中,能夠被放置于錢包、口袋或者公文箱中,配合Respironics的AAD系統使用,能夠持續適應患者個體呼吸模式來發揮作用,只需要吸氣就可以完成給藥。 Ventavis適合用于治療出現III級或者IV級癥狀的肺動脈性高血壓(PAH)患者。Ventavis是iloprost的吸入劑型,是一種合成化合物,結構上類似于環前列腺素,環前列腺素是自然生成的分子,能夠導致血管舒張。美國食品與藥品管理局在2005年8月擴大了CoTherix的標簽,允許使用I-neb作為Ventavis的給藥方法。 肺動脈性高血壓是一種罕見的肺部血管疾病,肺動脈壓力高出正常水平,患者有生命危險。該疾病的病因目前尚不清楚,但是肺部血流受限制的疾病包括硬皮病、艾滋病和紅斑狼瘡都會導致該病的發生。 該病癥狀包括乏力、呼吸短促、胸痛和眩暈。如果不治療,明確診斷之后的中位數生存時間不到3年。但是經過治療部分患者能夠控制該病,達15~20年之久,甚至更長。 Device for Pulmonary Hypertension CoTherix (San Francisco, CA, USA) and Respironics, (Murrysville, PA, USA) have announced the launch of the I-neb adaptive aerosol delivery (AAD) device for Ventavis inhalation solution. The I-neb weighs less than eight ounces and can be carried discreetly in a purse, pocket, or briefcase and employs Respironics’ AAD System, which continually adapts to an individual patient’s breathing pattern and delivers medication only on inspiration. Ventavis is indicated for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in patients with Class III or IV symptoms. Ventavis is an inhaled formulation of iloprost, a synthetic compound that is structurally similar to prostacyclins, naturally occurring molecules that cause blood vessels to dilate. The U.S. Food and Dug Administration (FDA) expanded CoTherix’s label in August 2005 to include the use of the I-neb for the administration of Ventavis. Pulmonary hypertension is a rare blood vessel disorder of the lungs in which the pressure in the pulmonary artery rises above normal levels and may become life threatening. Its cause is currently unknown, but may result from other diseases that cause a restriction of blood flow to the lungs, including scleroderma, HIV and lupus. Symptoms of the disease include fatigue, shortness of breath upon exertion, chest pain, and dizziness. Left untreated, the median survival time following diagnosis may be as short as three years. However, under treatment some patients are able to manage the disorder for 15 to 20 years or longer. /**/本文關鍵字:
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