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BD公司推出感染性疾病的機器人系統 【?2006-01-20 發布?】 美迪醫訊
BD Viper系統是實驗室自動化的新型解決途徑,該系統使用工業級別的機器人叫做選擇性依從裝配機器人臂(SCARA)。這種分類意味著這種機器人是多關節連接的(4-軸),與人類的手臂相似。這種系統來自BD診斷公司(Baltimore, MD),這是BD公司(Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA)的一個機構,能夠是手工和半自動BD公司的ProbeTec系統DNA擴增檢驗實現自動化,該檢驗用于檢測衣原體和淋病。 BD Viper系統所有的孵育、擴增和檢測,以及反復加樣工作都可以由機器人完成。SCARA途徑可以輸送各種設備,而無需各種泵、針筒、和試管,這通常被認為是傳統實驗室進行維護和確保實驗室可靠所必不可少的裝備。 這種高通量的Viper系統還解決了實驗室技師嚴重短缺的困難。通過將手工操作時間縮短至最小,技師能夠利用“裝配與完成”工作流程,允許機器人控制操作過程。 Robotic System for Infectious Disease Testing The BD Viper system is a new approach to laboratory automation that uses an industrial class of robotics known as selective compliance assembly robot arm (SCARA). This classification means that the robot is multi-jointed (four-axis), similar to the human arm. The system, from BD Diagnostics (Baltimore, MD), a segment of BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA), automates manual and semi-automated steps of BD’s ProbeTec system DNA amplification assay for the detection of chlamydia and gonorrhoea. Incubations, amplification, and detection all occur on the BD Viper system, with repetitive pipetting labor delegated to the robot. The SCARA approach delivers a robust instrument by eliminating all pumps, syringes, and reagent tubing, often thought of as the Achilles’ heel of traditional lab equipment in terms of maintenance and reliability. The high throughput of the Viper system also helps address the critical shortage of technologists in laboratories. By minimizing hands-on-time, the technologist can take advantage of “load and go” workflow, allowing the robot to do the processing work. /**/本文關鍵字:
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