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Olympus推出適用于兒童患者的檢測設備 【?2006-02-14 發布?】 美迪醫訊
這種新型兒科檢查設備是由德國Olympus生命物質科學歐洲Europa GmbH (Hamburg, Germany)診斷學分部提供的,近期獲得了CE標志。這套設備配備在全部Olympus分析儀之上,包括AU400、AU600/AU640和AU2700/AU5400等型號。 這套檢查包括22項分析指標:白蛋白、堿性磷酸酶(2)、丙氨酸氨基轉移酶、天冬氨酸氨基轉移酶、碳酸氫根、直接膽紅素、總膽紅素、鈣離子、肌酐、C3、C4、GGT、血糖、IgM、貼、乳酸脫氫酶(2)、轉鐵蛋白、甘油三酯和尿素。 這種新型檢測設備降低了對樣本量的要求,因為那對新生兒或者兒童是不必要的或者是很困難的。對兒童患者而言一般只能獲得少量的樣本。而健康衛生系統兒童患者不斷增加,同樣產生一些問題,例如血管細小或者破裂。而化療患者通常需要多處穿刺。 Olympus公司主要提供臨床化學、電泳和輸血前檢測設備。 Assays With Pediatric Settings prioritize because of the small size of the sample. The new pediatric settings are available from the diagnostics division of Olympus Life and Material Science Europa GmbH (Hamburg, Germany) and they have received the CE Mark. The settings are available for the complete range of Olympus analyzers: the AU400, AU600/AU640, and AU2700/AU5400. The range of settings includes 22 analytes: albumin, ALP (2), ALT, AST, bicarbonate, bilirubin direct, bilirubin total, calcium (2), creatinine, C3, C4, GGT, glucose, IgM, iron, LDH (2), transferrin, triglyceride, and urea. The new settings also reduce sampling that can be unnecessary or stressful in newborns or children. The problem of being able to obtain only a small sample is not confined to pediatric patients. The increasing number of geriatric patients in the healthcare system presents similar problems, such as shrunken or broken veins. Chemotherapy patients may have large numbers of puncture sites. The Diagnostics Division of Olympus provides in vitro diagnostic products for clinical chemistry, electrophoresis, and pre-transfusion testing. 本文關鍵字:
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