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【?2006-05-24 發(fā)布?】 美迪醫(yī)訊


Partial Excision of Lumbar Disk Eases Pain 

A minimally invasive approach to treating herniated discs of the lumbar spine results in good outcomes, especially for patients with sciatica, according to a new study.

The procedure, called percutaneous diskectomy, is performed by inserting a cannula into the herniation through skin and muscle tissues, using x-ray guidance to direct it into the offending disk, to eliminate the portion of the bulging nucleus that is causing pain. Patients receive local pain relief at the injection site and enough anesthesia to relax, but remain awake so they can report any pain they experience. After accessing the disk, the puncturing stylet is removed, and the cannula is used to insert devices needed to vaporize or suction out excess gelatinous substance. Within two weeks, most patients say they are 50-60% better and by three months, they are 80-90% better.

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