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Johnson&Johnson開發出經皮系統幫助患者控制疼痛 【?2006-06-22 發布?】 美迪醫訊
Ionsys設備是由Johnson & Johnson公司(New Brunswick, NJ, USA)Alza分部制造的,是一種緊湊的非侵入的獨立的預置程序的止痛系統,設計用于貼附在患者上肢或者胸部。該系統使用低水平電流傳送程序預置劑量的阿片類止痛藥芬太尼,該藥儲存于包含兩個水凝膠儲存池的貼附條帶,在按動按鈕之后能夠通過皮膚直接進入血液。該系統有內置安全設置,確保患者不會過度使用藥物,只能夠由醫院相關人員才能設置,這是因為芬太尼能夠導致危及生命的呼吸抑制。該系統已經獲得了歐洲委員會(EC)和美國食品藥品管理局的批準。 The Ionsys device, made by the Alza division of Johnson & Johnson (New Brunswick, NJ, USA), is a compact, noninvasive, self-contained, and pre-programmed analgesic system, designed to adhere to a patient's upper arm or chest. The system uses a low-level electrical current to deliver preprogrammed amounts of an opiod painkiller called fentanyl from an adhesive strip containing two hydrogel reservoirs on the skin directly into the bloodstream with the push of a button. The system has built-in safeguards to ensure that patients do not overmedicate themselves, and is intended for use in a hospital setting only, since fentanyl can cause life-threatening respiratory depression. The system has been cleared by both the European Commission (EC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 本文關鍵字:
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