
  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Transmedics公司開發的移植手術系統能夠確保器官活力  


【?2006-06-27 發布?】 美迪醫訊


該系統被設計用于維持和提高器官活力,延長器官在體外的存活時間,給了外科醫生評估和改善該器官功能的機會,增加了用于移植的器官的供應。TransMedics器官護理系統是由Transmedics公司(Andover, MA, USA)研制開發的,包括一臺特制機器,能夠維持心臟跳動和溫度,直至被用于移植。這就免除了將心臟放置于冰塊中的需要,而這是當前常規使用的方法。該系統當前在美國僅限于科研使用。

Transplant-Surgery System Maintains Viable Organs

A new transplant-surgery system may make it possible to transplant organs that would otherwise not be transplantable.

The system is designed to maintain and improve organ health, increase the amount of time that an organ can remain outside the body, give surgeons the opportunity to assess and potentially improve the function of the organ, and increase the availability of viable organs for transplant. The TransMedics organ care system, developed by Transmedics (Andover, MA, USA), includes a specialized machine that, for example, keeps a heart beating and warm until it is ready to be used. This eliminates the need for packing the heart in ice, as the current method requires. The system is currently limited to investigational use in the United States.

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