
  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > SpectRx正在開發檢測和測量體內酒精的設備  


【?2006-07-11 發布?】 美迪醫訊



SpectRx(Norcross, GA, USA)正在開發這種探頭,已經將該公司自己的ISF采集技術用于酒精檢測。洛杉磯兒童醫院(CA, USA)正在開發數據處理、分析和整合系統。SpectRx計劃將該設備商品化,同時計劃為持續血糖監測開發類似的用戶設備。

Device to Detect and Measure Alcohol in the Body
A new device is being designed to continuously monitor the presence and level of alcohol in the body and to detect alcohol abuse in critical job functions, such as those of airline pilots or those in the criminal justice system. Results will be transmitted to a remote monitoring station.

The new device being developed tests for alcohol levels in interstitial fluid (ISF), the fluid that surrounds cells in the body. An inexpensive laser painlessly makes four microscopic holes, or micropores, in the outer dead layer of the skin through which ISF is drawn continuously into a patch, which is tested for alcohol. The micropores are just slightly larger than a strand of human hair and a self-limiting feature of the laser allows the pores to penetrate only the outer layer of skin.

SpectRx (Norcross, GA, USA) is developing the sensor and has adapted its ISF acquisition technology for alcohol measurement. The Childrens Hospital Los Angeles (CA, USA) is developing the data processing, analysis, and integration systems. SpectRx plans to commercialize the device, and also plans to develop a similar consumer device for continuous glucose monitoring.

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