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首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Vascutek公司生產出能夠挽救四肢的急診血管設備 |
Vascutek公司生產出能夠挽救四肢的急診血管設備 【?2007-03-12 發布?】 美迪醫訊
這種臨時肢體救助血管短路(TLSS)是一種由兩層塑料組成的套管,能夠連接嚴重受傷血管末端,在受傷區域周圍提供連接,并恢復受傷肢體的血流。這種設備主要設計用于戰場和其它偏遠地區,能臨時維持受傷肢體的血流,直到患者被運輸到手術室之中。 這種設備具有的幾個特點十分適合用于創傷條件,包括自封閉人造橡膠膜,能夠允許將藥物直接注射入血管短路之中,而不會流失血液;斜面末端能夠快速而有效的將設備放入受傷血管之中;刻度標記為恰當放置設備提供了視覺保證;對設備中央的額外加固確保其在需要情況下,能夠切割縮短長度。這種TLSS是由Vascutek公司(Renfrew, Scotland)制造的。由于對這種設備的迫切需求,TLSS在不到1周時間內就通過了美國食品藥品管理局(FDA)的審核批準。 Emergency Vascular Device Saves Limbs The temporary limb salvage shunt (TLSS) is a tube formed from two layers of plastic that works by connecting together the ends of a severed blood vessel, providing a bridge around the damaged area and restoring blood flow to the injured limb. Intended for the battlefield and other remote areas, the shunt temporarily maintains blood flow to the injured limb until the patient can be transported to a surgical facility. The device has several features that optimize its use in a trauma situation, including a self-sealing elastomer membrane that permits drugs to be injected directly into the shunt without loss of blood; beveled ends that facilitate quick and effective placement of the device within the severed blood vessel; graduated markings that provide visual confirmation of proper device placement; and extra reinforcement in the center of the device so it can be cut to a shorter length if needed. The TLSS is made by Vascutek (Renfrew, Scotland). The TLSS was reviewed and approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in less than one week, due to the critical need for such a device. 本文關鍵字:
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