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【?2007-04-01 發布?】 美迪醫訊


來自威斯康星大學醫學院(Madison, USA)的研究人員,操作并對比了19例經由皮膚治療和腹腔鏡冷凍消融治療的結果。在經由皮膚治療方案中,介入放射科醫生使用影像檢查對腫瘤進行定位,然后經由皮膚插入冷凍探針。在冷凍消融過程中,氬氣進入探針尖端,吸收周圍細胞的熱量,產生“冰球”從而冰凍并殺死腫瘤。

對比臨床試驗的結果顯示:經由皮膚冷凍消融治療后腫瘤復發率較低 (12.5 versus 10.5%),住院時間較短,沒有重大并發癥,比腹腔鏡治療的住院費用要低59.5%。該治療可以在全身麻醉下進行操作,但是經常只在局麻和清醒鎮靜條件下進行。在2007年3月美國西雅圖(WA, USA)舉行的第32屆介入放射學會年會上進行了報道。


Freezing Kidney Tumors as Effective as Laparoscopy
A new study shows that image-guided treatment of kidney tumors by percutaneous cryoablation is as effective as the laparoscopic technique in viable candidates.

Researchers from the University of Wisconsin Medical School (Madison, USA) performed and compared 19 percutaneous and 48 laparoscopic cryoablations. In the percutaneous procedure, interventional radiologists used imaging to pinpoint the tumor, and then inserted the cryoprobe through the skin. During the cryoablation, argon gas entered the tip of the probe and extracted heat from the surrounding cells, resulting in an "ice ball" that froze and killed the tumor.

The results of the comparative trial showed that percutaneous cryoablation resulted in a slightly lower recurrence rate of the tumor (12.5 versus 10.5%), a shorter hospital stay, no major complications, and a 59.5% lower hospital cost than the laparoscopic treatment. The procedure can be performed under general anesthesia, but is often possible with only local anesthesia and conscious sedation. The study was presented at the Society of Interventional Radiology's 32nd annual scientific meeting, held during March 2007 in Seattle (WA, USA).

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