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首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > 歐洲發現塑料鞋底會干擾醫院設備 |
歐洲發現塑料鞋底會干擾醫院設備 【?2007-05-02 發布?】 美迪醫訊
Blekinge醫院(Karlskrona, Sweden)懷疑Crocs公司(Niwot, CO, USA)生產的懶漢鞋,可能至少涉及3起事故導致呼吸機和其他儀器失靈。這些事故首先是在2007年2月被發現,當時這些用于2例早產兒的呼吸設備,沒有明顯的原因而自動關閉和開啟。這些事故沒有造成傷害。 但是,醫院技術人員不久即開始懷疑許多工作人員穿的鞋底,可能是導致機器失靈的原因。Crocs是由獲得的叫做Croslite的塑料制造的,能夠作為絕緣體;醫院估計這些鞋子能夠產生25,000伏特的電壓。醫院當局正在討論是否在整個醫院或者僅僅在特定科室禁止穿這些鞋子。去年挪威一家醫院因為同樣的原因而禁止穿Crocs 拖鞋。 Plastic Clogs Disrupt Hospital Equipment Blekinge hospital (Karlskrona, Sweden) suspects that the slip-on shoes, made by Crocs (Niwot, CO, USA), are to blame for at least three incidents in which respirators and other machines malfunctioned. The problem was first detected in February 2007 when respiratory equipment used for two premature babies shut itself off and on for no immediately apparent reason. The mishaps caused no injuries. However, technical staff at the hospital soon began to suspect that the clogs worn by many members of staff might have caused the equipment to malfunction. Crocs are made from a proprietary plastic called Croslite, which can act as an insulator; the hospital estimates that the shoes can become charged with as much as 25,000 volts of electricity. Hospital officials are discussing whether the shoes should be banned throughout the hospital or just in certain sections. Crocs slippers were banned from a hospital in Norway last month for the same reason. 本文關鍵字:
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