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治療脊椎腫瘤病人:縮小腫瘤、消除痛苦 【?2007-06-01 發布?】 美迪醫訊
創新的定向放射手術技術正應用于治療脊柱腫瘤。 來自紐約Mount Sinai醫學中心的醫生第一次利用Novalis樣手術系統控制具有危險和問題性的脊柱腫瘤。此系統由德國的 BrainLAB公司開發。 Mount Sinai醫學中心神經手術教授 Isabelle Germano說:“這項技術目前只應用于惡性和終末期脊柱腫瘤病人的治療,是否能 帶來希望還有待研究。” 應用這項技術進行30分鐘精確的門診治療能同時縮小腫瘤并減輕腫瘤帶來的痛苦。 這項技術非常精確、高度聚焦的照射直接作用于脊柱腫瘤,而周圍正常的組織未受任何影響。Mount Sinai中心2005年起就開始應用 這項技術。這項技術常規應用于腦部、頭部、頸部、前列腺以及身體的其他部位都獲得了成功。這種技術對于門診,是無創傷性、無 手術切口的治療方案。病人承擔的風險大大減低、治療結果也得到了提高、病人的生活質量大為提高、腫瘤帶來的疼痛消失了、腫瘤 也被破壞了。病人可以無痛苦地繼續接受其他的治療。 這項研究的另一名教授Sheryl Green博士說:“這項技術對周圍正常組織的損傷最小,此技術能治療轉移到脊柱的腫瘤,并且能 使脊柱在無疼痛的情況下繼續維持功能性,提高病人的生活質量。” 本技術由三維圖像指導,通過把不同光束聚焦于單一位點。單獨的光束對其穿過的正常組織沒有影響。但幾條光束聚焦于腫瘤的 同一位點加上其他的治療方法可摧毀腫瘤并可干預這些惡性細胞復制,因而縮小腫瘤的大小并控制其生長。此系統準確率很高無論腫 瘤處于的位置。 來源: medinews.com Treatment for Spinal Cancer Patients Shrinks Tumors, Eliminates Pain By medinews.com staff writers Breakthrough stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) technology is now being utilized to treat tumors in the spine. Clinicians from Mount Sinai Medical Center (New York, NY, USA) are using the Novalis Shaped Beam Surgery system technology to control dangerous and problematical tumors of the spine for the first time ever. The system was developed by BrainLAB (Feldkirchen, Germany). 揌ope is being given to patients with malignant and ultimately fatal spinal tumors where hope was never before available,?said Dr. Isabelle Germano, professor of neurosurgery and co-director of the Radiosurgery Program at The Mount Sinai Medical Center. 揂ll it takes is one 30-minute out-patient treatment of pinpointed radiation and the tumor shrinks along with the pain from the cancer. Now, cancer spreading to the spine doesn抰 mean a lifetime of pain or a wheelchair for a patient anymore.? Very precise, highly focused radiation is beamed directly into the spinal tumor, while sparing the normal surrounding tissue. Mount Sinai has used the Novalis Shaped Beam Surgery system technology since 2005. It is routinely used on the brain, head, neck, prostate, and other tumors in the body with success, and is a friendly outpatient, non-invasive, and non-surgical incisionless procedure. Patient risk is decreased, outcomes are improved, quality of life for patients enhanced, cancer pain eliminated, and the tumor is destroyed. Patients can continue to live a pain-free life and maintain complete mobility. 揟his is the best treatment available for tumors that have spread to the spine with the least risk of damage to surrounding healthy tissue,?said Dr. Sheryl Green, co-director of the Radiosurgery Program and assistant professor of radiation oncology at Mount Sinai. 揥e are now able to treat metastatic cancer that has spread to the spine, increasing the patients?quality of life, keeping them functional and pain free for a longer amount of time with this new technology. The biggest benefit of Novalis is that it抯 the most conformal type of tumor treatment available at the present time.? The three-dimensional imaging-guided SRS system works by concentrating the energy of many different beams of radiation on a single site. None of the beams individually are strong enough to harm the healthy tissue it passes through, but at the point where the beams converge--the site of the tumor--their combined power can destroy abnormal cells and interfere with their ability to multiply, thereby shrinking and controlling the growth of cancer. SRS matches the shape of the beam to the size of the tumor no matter where it is, delivering radiation with more precision. Related Links: Mount Sinai Medical CenterBrainLAB 《美迪醫訊》歡迎您參與新聞投稿,業務咨詢: 美迪醫療網業務咨詢更多關于 脊椎腫瘤 定向放射手術 Novalis樣手術系統控制 的新聞《上海醫療器械批發》產品推薦
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