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微-影像技術可揭示大腦神經網絡 【?2007-06-05 發布?】 美迪醫訊
科學家發明了一種全新的影像技術,稱為超顯微鏡技術。這種技術結合了兩種早期技術使得科學家能在顯微鏡水平觀察整個大腦。 現在還沒有任何技術能在不破壞大腦結構的基礎上使整個神經網絡成像。雖然CT和MRI(核磁共振)技術已應用于這個方面,但是兩者都不能解決在細胞水平觀測更細微粒的問題。 通過顯微鏡成像把大腦分成許多部分是一個合理的解決方案。通過多方位切片可獲得三維圖像。 德國精神病學專家Hans-Ulrich Dodt博士和他的工作組,試圖得到某種能反映整個小鼠大腦神經細胞相互連接圖像的方法。此方法刊登于自然方法學雜志2007年4月刊。 此方法的原理是大腦在一種特殊的油性基質中變得透明。組織只有在激光的激發下才能發光。下一步,通過計算機獲得所有視覺可見的大腦各個部位的圖像并最終重建一個三維結構。此技術的最大優點是能通過顯微鏡方法獲得大體標本的顯像,而這對于過去來說是不可能的。 按照Dodt博士的說法,超顯微鏡技術與共聚焦顯微鏡技術相比具有更大的應用前景。一項可能的應用是檢測老年癡呆鼠的大腦。目前為止,常用勞動-密集的方法---組織學方法檢測藥物對該病的作用。通過超顯微鏡技術達到同樣的目的在一小時內就能完成。所以,這將是一個大跨步,因為還存在許多其他神經疾病并且經過某種治療后可通過三維成像觀察。 科學家試圖獲得小鼠胚胎和成年鼠大腦的掃描圖像。他們正試圖獲得更多關于哺乳動物大腦結構的知識,以及其在發育過程中的變化。這不僅可以獲知哺乳動物大腦發育的關鍵因素,而且能獲得神經網絡是否在疾病狀態下改變的知識。 來源:medinews.com Micro-Imaging Technique Reveals Brain Neuronal Networks Scientists have created a new imaging method called ultramicroscopy by combining two older techniques in order for researchers to view the entire brain at a microscopic level. There is currently no technique available that images the entire neuronal network in an intact brain. Although computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are utilized for this purpose, they do not have a cellular level resolution to reveal the micro details. Brain sectioning for microscopic imaging is a better alternative, obtaining three-dimensional (3D) images for all the multiple slices, but it is a laborious task and is highly prone for distortions. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Dodt and colleagues, formerly at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry (Munich, Germany) and now at the Vienna University of Technology (Austria), reportedm that their goal was to have a method that will ultimately image all nerve cells with all their connections in the whole mouse brain. The method was published in the April 2007 issue of the journal Nature Methods. The principle behind the method is that the brain is made translucent by putting in special oil medium, similar to a drop of oil on a paper, which makes it translucent. The organ is then illuminated only in one plane from the side with a laser. The next step involves gathering all the optical sections by a computer and finally obtaining a three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction. The technique抯 unique benefit is that it can be used to image large macroscopic specimens with microscopic resolution, which was not possible before. According to Dr. Dodt, ultramicroscopy has even a wider range of applications than confocal microscopy, and therefore, the impact will be enormous. One possible application of the technique is investigation of Alzheimer抯 disease (AD) brains of mice. Up to now, the industry used a very labor-intensive standard--the histology to test a new Alzheimer drug on AD-modified mice. With ultramicroscopy, it should be possible to accomplish the same in one hour. Thus, it should have a big impact, as there are also other neurologic diseases and their treatment that can be investigated in 3D. The researchers are planning to obtain brain scans of both mouse embryos and adult mice. They hope to gain better knowledge about how mammalian brain networks change during development and learning. This could not only give key insights about how mammalian brains evolve over time but also about how information networks are affected or altered in disease states. 《美迪醫訊》歡迎您參與新聞投稿,業務咨詢: 美迪醫療網業務咨詢《上海醫療器械批發》產品推薦
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