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自動系統可提高微生物實驗室檢測效率 【?2007-06-07 發布?】 美迪醫訊
最新的自動化系統是為提高繁忙微生物實驗室檢測效率所專門設計的。 美國Magellan生物科學公司下屬Trek診斷公司以及Dynex公司,分別在美國微生物會議上作了各自公司所研發儀器的展示,這次會議于2007年5月22-24日在加拿大多倫多舉行。 Trek公司的Vizion系統,增加了數碼成像能力,利于更加便捷和準確地對微生物抗生素耐藥進行監測。 Magellan公司總裁兼CEO Robert J. Rosenthal博士說,Trek的Vizion系統可以通過增強的光選擇和容易讀取的數碼圖像(最小抑制濃度)得到準確的結果。有意義的結果用顏色標出以消除可能的疑似結果和誤差。(紅色代表抗性、黃色代表中等程度、而綠色代表可疑)。 觸屏能力可允許對結果進行實時監控,Vizion允許用戶保存并儲存圖像,以供共享、教學和比較。SWIN控制軟件,結合最新的CLSI(臨床實驗室和標準機構)指南以及流行病學報告可以避免手工讀取所帶來的錯誤,實驗室也可將這個系統直接整合入現存的實驗室信息系統,使得數據的報告變得更加簡潔。 Dynex公司DS2自動雙板酶聯免疫吸附(ELISA)操作系統也在會議上作了展示。Dynex公司本月已將DS2在世界范圍內上市,以滿足實驗室對大型儀器的需求。DS2是值得信賴的、簡易操作并容易維護、具有強大的自動化功能。此系統能迅速處理兩個96孔條板并且可同時進行12種不同的檢測,其用戶-友好控制系統也是非常值得一提的。DS2是一個開放的系統,從樣本進入到出具結果都是自動的,可以滿足幾乎任何ELISA條板檢測。 來源:medinews.com Automated Systems Improve Outcomes for Microbiology Labs New automated systems have been designed to improve outcomes for busy microbiology labs. The new systems were demonstrated by Magellan Biosciences?(Chelmsford, MA, USA) subsidiaries Trek Diagnostic Systems (Cleveland, OH, USA) and Dynex Technologies (Chantilly, VA, USA) at the American Society of Microbiology (ASM) meeting, which was held in Toronto (Canada) from May 22-24, 2007. Trek launched its Vizion system, which adds digital-imaging capability to the company Aris 2X automated Sensititre System with SWIN (Sensititre for Windows) software, to enable easy and accurate antimicrobial-resistance detection of all organism groups, including fastidious isolates that elude other automated systems. Magellan president and CEO, Robert J. Rosenthal, Ph.D. said, 揟rek Vizion System enables surefire results through enhanced lighting options and on-screen display of large, easy-to-read digital images--with quantitative [minimum inhibitory concentration] and qualitative results--color-coded to eliminate questionable readings and errors [red/resistant, yellow/intermediate, and green/susceptible]. A touch-screen capability allows real-time recording of results, and Vizion enables users to save and store images for sharing, teaching, and comparison. The SWIN controlling software, which incorporates the latest CLSI [Clinical Laboratory and Standards Institute] guidelines and epidemiology reporting capabilities, eradicates mistakes from manual data transcription--and laboratories can integrate the system directly into their existing laboratory information system [LIS]--to make reporting of results data easy.? Dynex featured its DS2 automated two-plate enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) processing system at the meeting. Dr. Rosenthal commented, ynex began shipments of the DS2 this month to ELISA kit manufacturers around the world to meet the needs of labs that don抰 have the throughput needs to justify large-scale systems on the market. Reliable, cost-effective, and easy to use and maintain, the DS2 packs full automation power in the smallest footprint available. The system quickly and easily processes two 96-well microplates and up to 12 different assays simultaneously and features the most user-friendly control system available, chain of custody, and instrument diagnostics. An open system, the DS2 delivers sample-in/results-out automation of virtually any ELISA microplate assay.?/td> Related Links: Magellan Biosciences Trek Diagnostic Systems Dynex Technologies 《美迪醫訊》歡迎您參與新聞投稿,業務咨詢: 美迪醫療網業務咨詢《上海醫療器械批發》產品推薦
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