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首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > 英國已對慢性腎臟疾病的診斷和處理進行了改良 |
英國已對慢性腎臟疾病的診斷和處理進行了改良 【?2007-06-07 發布?】 美迪醫訊
在英國,根據一項最新研究調查顯示,實際患有慢性腎臟疾病(CKD)的病人比已診斷和正在治療的病人要多得多。 第二個報道是由腎臟服務國際框架組織發表的,其結果顯示CKD的診斷和處理比以前任何時候都要好得多。這是因為CKD已經納入廣大從業者質量和結果框架(QOF)并且現今已引入標準的腎臟功能檢測方法。隨著病人確定的時間越來越早,更多病人能更早地接受了治療。 引用Doncaster皇家醫院腎臟科的一項最新報告,很多醫療工作者在預防、診斷、和治療腎臟疾病上的努力與腎臟病人服務的改善是分不開的。隨著早期診斷的進行,更多病人正在接受他們應該得到的快速治療和護理。研究表明比先前更多的腎臟病人正在接受快速而方便的特殊治療比如,透析。 英國國家腎臟病服務負責人,Donald O’Donoghue博士說,早期診斷腎臟病不可低估,如果沒有及時確定和處理,將導致心血管疾病和腎衰竭。慢性腎臟疾病是一種亞診斷狀態,但是早期檢測可以延長腎臟的壽命。透析會給腎臟病人帶來巨大的經濟負擔,而早期診斷和處理無疑是信價比很高的。 除此之外,使用腎臟病人觀察系統的腎臟科室正在增加。這種基于網絡的工具可以使病人得到血液檢查結果以及有關診斷和治療的信息,無論處于世界各地。在英國,將近一半的腎臟科室已經開始使用這個工具,在2007年使用范圍還可能有更大的擴展。 來源:medinews.com Improved Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease in the UK In the United Kingdom, more people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) than ever before are being diagnosed and are accessing treatment, according to a new report. The Second Progress Report of the National Service Framework (NSF) for Renal Services shows that diagnosis and management of CKD is better than ever before. This is due to CKD being included in the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) for general practitioners (GPs) and the introduction of a standard kidney function measurement. With GPs identifying more cases earlier on, new patients are accessing treatment sooner. Launching the report at a new kidney unit at the Doncaster Royal Infirmary (Doncaster, UK) Health Services, Minister Rosie Winterton said, 揟he dedication and hard work of the thousands of people involved in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of kidney disease mean that we are now seeing real improvements in renal patient services. With cases being diagnosed early on, more people are getting rapid access to the care, advice, and treatment they need. And UK?0 million [US$119 million] of capital investment means that more renal patients than ever before are getting fast and convenient access to specialist services such as dialysis.? UK National clinical director for kidney services, Dr. Donald O’Donoghue said, 揟he importance of early diagnosis of CKD cannot be underestimated--if not identified and managed properly, it can lead to cardiovascular disease or renal failure.?CKD has historically been an underdiagnosed condition, but early detection can extend the life of the kidneys. A year of dialysis costs the NHS between ?0,000 ($39600) and ?5,000 ($49600) per patient--so managing the condition at an early stage is also highly cost-effective. In addition, an increasing number of renal units use the Renal Patient View system. This web-based tool allows patients to see blood test results and information about diagnosis and treatment from a computer anywhere in the world. Around half the renal units in England are now using the tool, with rapid expansion expected in 2007. Related Links: Doncaster Royal Infirmary 本文關鍵字:
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