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復蘇過程可能造成肋骨骨折 【?2007-06-11 發布?】 美迪醫訊
大多數沒經過心臟復蘇(CPR)訓練的人員甚至是許多經過專業訓練的急癥人員在急救過程中不能運用恰當的力量。 此項研究測試了104名未經過CPR訓練的成人以及83名經過專業訓練的消防隊員。研究發現大多數未經過專業訓練的人員在急救中不能運用恰當的力量。本研究的第一作者Leslie Geddes解釋道。 “CPR成功的比例為5%-10%,主要依據病人停止心跳后急救的時間。因為每損失1分鐘就能使復蘇的成功率降低10%。”Geddes說,“時間是關鍵,心臟停止10分鐘后復蘇的成功可能非常小。美國心臟協會推薦實施心臟復蘇時每次按壓需要足夠的力量,每次需要壓胸1.5到2英尺,相當于100到125磅的力量。” 本研究第一次對刺激性CPR時所用的力量進行了定量。被測試的人們被要求施壓,并對力量等級進行記錄。研究表明60%經CPR訓練的急救人員所施加的壓力超過125磅,而未經訓練的人員有超過60%的比例所施加的壓力不足125磅。 施壓超過125磅可增加肋骨骨折的風險。然而,急救的成功率也會大大提高。美國心臟協會推薦CPR急救過程應做到“按壓要既重又要快”。 Geddes說:“作為這種推薦的結果,復蘇的成功率會增加,但同時骨折的機率也會增加。” 來源: Cardiovascular Engineering / Springer Resuscitation: Risk the Broken Rib The majority of people untrained in how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and even many trained emergency personnel, do not push with enough force to properly administer the life-saving procedure.The research tested 104 adults untrained in CPR and 83 fire-fighters, trained in the procedure. The findings showed that most of the untrained people simply do not apply enough force, said Leslie Geddes of Purdue University, one of the authors of the study. The success rate for CPR ranges from five percent to ten percent, depending on how quickly it is administered after a person’s heart stops. "This is important because every minute lost in applying CPR results in a ten percent decrease in successful resuscitation," Geddes said. "Time is the enemy. After ten minutes, very few are resuscitated. The American Heart Association recommends pushing with enough force to compress the chest 1.5 to two inches, which requires 100 to 125 pounds of force.” The research represents the first time such measurements have been recorded to quantify just how hard people push in a simulated CPR test. The people in the study were asked to push on a bathroom scale as though they were performing CPR, and their force was recorded by the scale. The findings showed that 60 percent of the CPR-trained rescue personnel pushed with more than 125 pounds, whereas more than 60 percent of those not trained in CPR failed to push with more than 125 pounds of force. Pushing with more than 125 pounds increases the potential for rib fractures. Nevertheless, the chances of survival increase enormously. New guidelines from the American Hearth Association recommend that rescuers performing CPR should "push harder and faster," Geddes said. "As a result of this recommendation, it’s likely that the resuscitation rate will increase, but it’s equally likely that the fracture rate will increase." MEDICA.de; Source: Cardiovascular Engineering / Springer 本文關鍵字:
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