
  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > 生物芯片分析技術可同時提供多種檢測分析  


【?2007-07-24 發布?】 美迪醫訊


生物芯片分析技術是由英國Randox實驗室研發設計的,這種技術以酶聯免疫吸附試驗的原理為基礎,尤其是其競爭、“三明治”、以及抗體捕獲分析的原理。生物芯片分析技術利用9mm2的生物芯片作為反應平臺,將多種配體(抗體或抗原)吸附在芯片表面的特定部位。生物芯片可在不同的區域同時檢測23個不同的項目,僅需7 ml的病人樣本就可獲得23個不同的結果。 



Biochip Array Technology Provides Simultaneous Multianalyte Testing 

Biochip array technology allows multiple results from a single patient sample, minimizing biologic variation and resulting in a more rapid and accurate diagnosis.
The Biochip array technology was designed by Randox Laboratories (Crumlin, UK) and is based on enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) principles of competitive, sandwich, and antibody capture assays. Biochip array technology utilizes a 9-mm2 biochip as a reaction platform, with multiple specific ligands (antibodies or antigens) attached at pre-defined sites on the surface. Up to 23 separate tests can be spotted as discrete test regions on the surface of the biochip, allowing 23 different results from as little as 7 ml of patient sample. 

Biochip tests are grouped together as arrays and allow the detection of cytokines and growth factors, fertility and thyroid hormones, cell adhesion molecules, and drugs of abuse. Arrays are also available for the detection of biomarkers associated with cardiovascular disease and cancer. The Biochip platform is suitable for both proteomic and genomic analysis, providing test standardization for better performance and accuracy. 

Randox is an international diagnostics company, headquartered in the United Kingdom. The company develops, manufactures, and markets clinical diagnostic products worldwide. The company core products are: Biochip array technology; clinical chemistry analyzers and reagents; quality controls and external quality assessment (EQA); environmental diagnostics; recombinant proteins, and antibodies.    

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