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首頁 > 美迪醫(yī)訊 > 分娩前接觸可卡因?qū)和雽W(xué)早期也會產(chǎn)生影響 |
分娩前接觸可卡因?qū)和雽W(xué)早期也會產(chǎn)生影響 【?2007-07-24 發(fā)布?】 美迪醫(yī)訊
最新一項(xiàng)研究表明,懷孕時母親所使用的藥物產(chǎn)生的效應(yīng)可能會很久,母親在妊娠期間服用過可卡因其子女在注意力測試中要比其他同齡人要差。 研究人員回顧了415例美國非洲裔兒童在5或7歲所進(jìn)行測試的結(jié)果,這些兒童現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)14到16歲了。219例兒童的母親在懷孕時曾吸食過可卡因,而另外196例兒童的母親未曾吸食過此類藥品。所有的母親都十分貧窮并且生活在邁阿密中部地帶城市。 吸食過毒品母親所生的兒童在注意力集中方面不及其他孩子。這些兒童更容易因開小差而犯錯并且對事物的反應(yīng)性比對照組兒童要慢。 “這項(xiàng)研究顯示孕期吸食過可卡因的母親對其孩子的影響可能會持續(xù)到讀書早期。”第一作者邁阿密大學(xué)Veronica Accornero教授說。然而,可卡因的作用相比酒精和煙草來說要小得多。通常情況下,使用可卡因孕婦所生的孩子所做的測試結(jié)果要比預(yù)計(jì)得要好,尤其當(dāng)考慮到他們的背景時。美國佛州大學(xué)副教授Tamara Warner解釋道。 Prenatal Cocaine Exposure Affects Attention in Early School Years Newswise — Adding to the evidence that maternal drug use can have lasting effects, a new study finds that young schoolchildren of cocaine-using moms scored more poorly on attention tests. Researchers looked at test scores of 415 African-American children who took tests at age 5 or 7 (now 14 to 16 years old). The mothers of 219 of the children had taken cocaine while pregnant, and the mothers of the other 196 had not. All of the mothers were poor and living in the Miami inner city.Children born to cocaine-addicted moms showed signs of having more trouble paying attention than the other kids. They were more likely to make errors of omission and had slower reaction times on tasks. “This study provides further evidence of a subtle but consistent effect on attention through early school-aged years,” said lead author, assistant professor of clinical pediatrics at the University of Miami. However, the effects are minor, and one pediatric specialist suggested they pale next to the problems caused when mothers use alcohol and tobacco. In general, children born to cocaine-using mothers “are doing much better than anyone predicted, especially considering their background,” said, research assistant professor at the University of Florida who is familiar with the study findings. The study appears in the June issue of the Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics.During and after the crack epidemic of the 1980s, so-called “crack babies” were the subject of media coverage and concern about their futures. Researchers found, however, that the effects in general “appear to be more subtle and specific than initially believed,” Accornero said.She said the children do not appear to have a hard time with “intellectual functioning,” although they might have difficulties with language, attention and behavior. The future effects on these children is unclear. “Certainly, attention and the ability to maintain attention is an important skill that supports the development of other skills like language and behavior,” Accornero said. “It’s possible that because of subtle deficits we may see an effect on academic performance. We just don’t know yet.”The Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics is published bimonthly by the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. For information, contact Mary Sharkey at (212) 595-7717.Accornero VH, et al. Impact of prenatal cocaine exposure on attention and response inhibition as assessed by continuous performance tests. J Dev Behav Pediatr 28(3), 2007. 《美迪醫(yī)訊》歡迎您參與新聞投稿,業(yè)務(wù)咨詢: 美迪醫(yī)療網(wǎng)業(yè)務(wù)咨詢
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