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對男性的一些健康建議 【?2007-06-14 發布?】 美迪醫訊
研究表明很多男性不太注意他們自身的健康。這些男人在照顧自己的同時應該進行常規檢查。 問題:每年一次體檢重要嗎? 答案:每年一次的體檢可以在臨床癥狀或并發癥出現前確定危險因子和疾病的早期征兆。許多病人每年進行一次體檢是根據其保險公司所要求的,體檢可以給病人提出預防性的建議,如果是健康的,在心理上還能起到安慰的作用。 問題:男人應該什么年紀開始體檢? 答案:指導的方案多種多樣,但大多數推薦第一次在18歲,接下來,如果身體健康,每2到3年進行一次。如果有高血壓或高膽固醇等情況,醫生建議這些個體每年進行一次體檢。50歲后,必須每年進行一次體檢。18到35歲的男性每月必須對睪丸進行自檢。 問題:每年體檢的內容包括什么項目? 答案:根據病史,進行全身性頭到腳的檢查以及實驗室檢測(膽固醇、肝功能、血糖、甲狀腺功能檢查以及血液細胞計數)。特殊情況需要進行附加的檢查包括: 對超過40歲的男性或者有高血壓史和家族心臟病家族史的病人需要進行心電圖檢查。 對于吸煙者來說需進行胸X-光檢查和呼吸功能檢查。 如果壓抑、疲勞或者性欲降低需檢測雄激素水平。 超過40歲的男性應對前列腺和血PSA進行檢測以篩選前列腺癌。 50歲后應開始結腸鏡檢查以篩選結腸癌并去除任何癌前期息肉。 問題:維生素和鍛煉怎么樣? 答案:維生素不能替代良好的飲食,但日常多維生素補充可以補充典型西式飲食攝取不足。對膽固醇升高的病人,醫生推薦應補充魚油,對血液中多余脂類的消除有積極的效應。每天鍛煉30分鐘,每周最少三次,每次進行持續45-60分鐘的鍛煉,每周5-6次效果最佳。包括有氧練習和體重抗性鍛煉或柔軟體操。 問題:還有其他需要男性注意的嗎? 答案:每個人都有過度工作、壓力過大、缺乏休息以及不平衡所引起的大量疾病。情緒和精神也是值得注意的方面。男性必須在工作、家庭和健康所必需的鍛煉時間間建立起平衡。 來源:http://www.newswise.com/articles/view/530722/ Baylor Health Care System Health Advice for Men …And the Women Who Love Them Newswise — For some men, taking care of the house or the car might come more naturally than paying attention to their health. Physicians with Baylor Health Care System recommend that men take care of themselves with regular checkups, too. Q: Is an annual physical that important? A: Annual physicals help identify risk factors and early signs of disease before symptoms or complications develop. Many patients get a yearly physical because it’s covered by their insurance plan and it provides them with preventive counseling and advice, as well as peace of mind knowing they’re healthy. Q: At what age should men start? A: There are varying guidelines, but most physicians recommend a baseline physical at age 18, then one every two to three years if a man is healthy. If there are issues such as borderline high blood pressure or cholesterol, physicians recommend an annual exam. Beginning at age 50, everyone should have a yearly physical. Men ages 18 to 35 should also do monthly testicular self-exams. Q: What does a yearly checkup include? A: A medical and surgical history, comprehensive head-to-toe exam and lab tests (cholesterol, liver function, blood sugar, thyroid study and blood cell count) are standard. Certain situations call for additional screenings such as: • EKG for men over 40 or those with high blood pressure or a family history of heart disease • chest X-ray and breathing studies for smokers • testosterone level if there’s depression, fatigue or decreased sex drive • prostate exam and PSA blood test for men over 40 to screen for prostate cancer • colonoscopy starting at age 50 to screen for colon cancer and remove any precancerous polyps. Q: What about vitamins and exercise? A: Vitamins aren’t a substitute for eating well, but a daily multivitamin can help “fill the gaps” in a typical Western diet. For patients with elevated cholesterol, physicians recommend omega-3 fatty acid supplements (fish oil), which have been shown to have a beneficial effect on lipids. Exercise 30 minutes a day, three times a week as a minimum; 45 to 60 minutes five to six times a week is better. Include a mix of aerobic exercise and resistance training with weights or calisthenics. Q: Are there any other concerns that men should be aware of? A: Everyone tends to be overworked, overstressed and under-rested, and a large amount of diseases are related to this imbalance. The mind, body and spirit are all intimately connected. Men need to create a balance of work, family and personal time for optimal health. During June, several Baylor Health Care System hospitals will offer free health checks for men. Check http://www.BaylorHealth.com tp learn more about "It’s a Guy Thing" health screenings. About Baylor Health Care System – based in Dallas, Texas, is a network of hospitals, primary care and specialty care centers, rehabilitation clinics, affiliated ambulatory surgery centers and the Baylor Research Institute. One of the largest private-sector employers in Dallas/Fort Worth, Baylor employs more than 16,000 people and has more than 2,700 physicians on its medical staffs. Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas, flagship hospital of the system, is a major patient care. In fiscal year 2006, Baylor Health Care  本文關鍵字:
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