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【?2007-09-03 發布?】 美迪醫訊


研究學者發現,使用HemoCue(瑞典公司)Albumin 201系統與實驗室傳統的白蛋白-肌酐(ACR)檢測在準確性上是一致的,并且至少在檢測微白蛋白尿上具有靈敏性和特異性。這些結果結合HemoCue Albumin 201裝置的操作簡易性和高速處理性,都支持此系統進行微白蛋白尿床邊檢測。

HemoCue Albumin 201系統通過免疫比濁反應對尿液中的白蛋白水平進行定量。反應中所產生的渾濁是由于抗原和抗體相互反應的結果。從業者經過簡單的訓練就可對收集來的尿液樣本進行操作。檢測結果可直接讀取。醫生可根據檢測結果對病人的治療方案進行調整。



Point-of-Care Diagnostic Test Detects Microalbuminuria

A point-of-care diagnostic test can detect microalbuminuria, a biologic marker for kidney and cardiovascular disease, as accurately as conventional laboratory tests. 

Investigators found that quantitative test results using the HemoCue (Angelholm, Sweden) Albumin 201 system are as accurate as laboratory albumin-to-creatinine (ACR) estimations and are at least as sensitive and specific for microalbuminuria detection. These results, together with the simplicity of handling and processing speed of the HemoCue Albumin 201 device, support the value of this system for microalbuminuria detection at the point of care or in the laboratory. 

The HemoCue Albumin 201 system enables physicians to quantify albumin levels in urine using an immunoturbidimetric reaction, which creates a cloudy specimen due to a reaction between antigens and antibodies. Practitioners can perform the test with minimal training on a urine sample collected at their offices. The test can be easily interpreted, enabling the physician to provide immediate feedback to the patient and make treatment decisions at the point of care 
Microalbuminuria is a condition characterized by increased level of albumin excretion in urine. It is a well-recognized marker for endothelial dysfunction, and is well established as the first indication of diabetic nephropathy.

Microalbuminuria is also associated with higher risk for cardiovascular events and overall mortality, both in the general population and in patients at risk of cardiovascular disease. 

HemoCue is a Quest Diagnostics company.

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