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首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > 德國雪力公司推出配有LED攝像頭的超薄內窺鏡 |
德國雪力公司推出配有LED攝像頭的超薄內窺鏡 【?2012-10-15 發布?】 美迪醫訊
Ultra-thin endoscope probes with camera LED light source unit from SCH?LLY
SCH?LLY’s compact camera LED light source unit consists of an extra slim designed handle with integrated, powerful LED light source and a trendy controller. Ultra-thin endoscope probes are adapted to the handle, combined with the camera LED light source, creating an ergonomic endoscopy system. The controller is easy to use and can be placed almost anywhere due to the small footprint. The LED light intensity is seamlessly adjustable, and additional devices including a monitor, printer or recorder can be easily connected. A wide range of rigid, flexible and semi-flexible endoscopes with different directions of view are available and offer users a variety of possible applications. “It was our aim to develop a product which has its strength and uniqueness in those applications where tactile and sensitive working is needed. The handle which accommodates the endoscope perfectly can be moved like a pencil, which is a perfect match for applications in e.g. small joints. We have ultra-thin endoscope probes of a diameter of 0.35 mm to 3.0 mm available, which enables possibilities in Arthroscopy, ENT, Neuro-Endoscopy or even Ophthalmology”, said by the head of product management. For this special endoscopy system, SCH?LLY offers a wide range of ultra-thin endoscopes which can be enhanced by customized solutions according to the needs of the application. Adjustments include special endoscope probes with or without working channel, sheaths, single use products, innovative cleaning, disinfection and sterilization concepts.
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