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來源:美國食品和藥物管理局【?2019-02-13 發布?】 美迪醫訊

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德爾格醫療Draeger Medical,Inc。VentStar和ID呼吸回路和麻醉套件


德爾格醫療Draeger Medical的VentStar和ID呼吸回路和麻醉套件是一次性使用的輔助設備,與呼吸機或麻醉機配合使用,為嬰兒,兒童和成人患者提供機械通氣和關鍵呼吸支持。這些設備僅在醫療保健專業人員的監督下使用。



德爾格醫療Draegar Medical正在召回其一次性VentStar和ID呼吸回路和麻醉套件,因為這些設備裝配不當會導致呼吸軟管短路。如果呼吸軟管短路,患者將無法獲得預期的呼吸支持(通氣)。缺乏呼吸支持可能導致不可逆轉的患者傷害,包括嚴重的氧氣損失(缺氧)和死亡。


  • 使用VentStar或ID Breathing Circuit和Anesthesia Set的醫院和醫療保健專業人員為患者提供呼吸支持。
  • 接受VentStar或ID呼吸循環和麻醉套裝呼吸支持的患者。


在2018年12月21日,德爾格醫療Draeger Medical向客戶發送了“緊急醫療設備召回通知”和“客戶回復和訂購表”。召回通知指示客戶:

  • 按照設備的使用說明正確設置呼吸回路,并檢查以確保在每次使用前正確組裝連接。
  • 如果在使用前檢查期間未檢測到短路呼吸回路,則無法對患者進行通氣。
  • 檢查呼吸回路是否已組裝好,以便呼吸機或麻醉機的吸氣和呼氣接頭在每次使用前和每次臨時斷開后都連接到Y形件上。
  • 按照提供的檢查說明檢查現有庫存并填寫并返回“客戶回復和訂購單”以確認檢查已完成。
  • 使用“客戶回復和訂購單”為任何預先組裝錯誤的呼吸回路訂購免費更換
  • 可以檢測到錯誤預組裝的呼吸回路,因為它不是單個粘性軟管系統而是兩個獨立的子系統。

Draeger Medical Recalls Breathing Circuits and Anesthesia Sets

Recalled Product(s)

? Draeger Medical, Inc. VentStar and ID Breathing Circuits and Anesthesia Sets
? Model/Item Numbers:
? MP00349, MP00350, MP00351, MP00352, MP00361, MP00374 (VentStar Circuits and Anesthesia Sets)
? MP01341, MP01348, MP01350 (ID Circuits and Anesthesia Sets)
? Manufacturing Dates: January 2016 to November 2018
? Distribution Dates: April 2016 to December 2018
? Devices Recalled in the U.S.: 1,200

Device Use

Draeger Medical's VentStar and ID Breathing Circuits and Anesthesia Sets are single-use, disposable, accessory devices used with a ventilator or anesthesia machine to provide mechanical ventilation and critical breathing support to infant, child, and adult patients. These devices are designed to be used only under a health care professional's supervision.

Reason for Recall

Draegar Medical is recalling its disposable VentStar and ID Breathing Circuits and Anesthesia Sets due to a risk of the devices being incorrectly assembled, resulting in a short-circuit in the breathing hose. If the breathing hose is short circuited, the patient will not receive the expected breathing support (ventilation). Lack of breathing support may result in irreversible patient harm, up to and including severe oxygen-loss (hypoxia) and death.

Who May be Affected

? Hospitals and health care professionals using the VentStar or ID Breathing Circuit and Anesthesia Set to provide patients with respiratory support.
? Patients receiving respiratory support from a VentStar or ID Breathing Circuit and Anesthesia Set.

What to Do

On December 21, 2018, Draeger Medical sent customers an “Urgent Medical Device Recall Notification” and” Customer Reply and Order Form.” The recall notification instructed customers to:
? Follow the device's Instructions for Use for correct setup of the breathing circuit, and check to ensure the connections are assembled correctly prior to each use.
o If a short-circuited breathing circuit is not detected during a pre-use check, it will not be possible to ventilate the patient.
? Check whether the breathing circuit is assembled so that the inspiratory and the expiratory connector of the ventilator or anesthesia machine are each connected to the y-piece before each use, and after any temporary disconnection.
? Inspect your existing stock by following the provided inspection instructions and complete and return the “Customer Reply and Order Form” to confirm that inspections have been completed.
? Use the “Customer Reply and Order Form” to order free replacements for any breathing circuits that were pre-assembled incorrectly.
o An incorrectly pre-assembled breathing circuit can be detected because it will not be a single cohesive hose system but two separate sub-systems.

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