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【?2004-11-19 發布?】 美迪醫訊

根據美國公共衛生學會(the American Public Health Association, APHA)于2004年11月在華盛頓召開的第132次年會的最新報告指出:美國的衛生事業在經歷多年的穩步上升之后,出現了下降趨勢的跡象,這樣不久之后也許會將美國的衛生事業引向錯誤的方向。


   APHA執行主任Georges Benjamin醫學博士告訴Medscape網站,那篇報告發現90年代衛生事業得到了改善,大約以每年1.5%的速度最終增加了17.5%,但最令人不安的是,這種趨勢現在也許發生了逆轉。從新世紀開始,衛生增長只有微不足道的0.2%,這個結果敲響了警鐘。




   Benjamin醫學博士說:“不用多久就可以知道你選舉出的政府官員,也不需要很多時間來參與,但是我們知道醫生的參與可以影響政策的走向。”由APHA、聯合健康基金會(United Health Foundation)、預防互助協會(Partnership for Prevention)共同作出的報告敲響的另一個警鐘是:在1990~2003年期間肥胖人數快速增加了97%。

   聯合健康基金會的副會長Reed Tuckson醫學博士說:“為了成功地戰勝肥胖的流行,我們必須動員我們的社區資源,并制定有效的公共政策。”他還補充說肥胖者大約占美國人口的22.8%,僅過去一年肥胖率就上升了3.2%。





 Infant Mortality, Obesity Increasing in U.S.

 — After years of steady progress toward improved health in the U.S., there are signs of a
downturn that may soon translate into movement in the wrong direction, according to a new report

   released here at the 132nd annual meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA).
The report, "America's Health State: State Health Rankings," uncovers three key troubling trends: the first rise in infant mortality rates in four decades, the rapidly increasing prevalence of obesity in all age groups, and the number of uninsured individuals, which increased in 38 states between 2003 and 2004.

   Most disturbing perhaps is the big-picture finding that the health improvements of the 1990s,
during which overall health improved at an annual rate of 1.5% for a total gain of 17.5%, is
headed for reversal. Since the start of the millennium, health improvement has been a negligible 0.2%, a finding that should set off alarms, APHA Executive Director Georges Benjamin, MD, told Medscape.

  "Despite the significant improvement in our nation's health over the last 15 years..., the trends we're seeing now — especially this dramatic slowdown in the rate of improvement — are not encouraging," Dr. Benjamin said.

   In particular, he cited the increase in infant mortality from 6.9 to 7.0 births per 1,000, a
statistic that puts the U.S. 28th internationally in infant mortality, as well as the finding
that 14 states have preterm birth rates that exceed 13%. That alarming statistic is likely
associated with the fact that 12.6 million American women of child-bearing age are uninsured.
"Clearly, there is a connection there that cannot be ignored, and this is something we must
address as a nation," Dr. Benjamin said. "Prematurity has many factors, from poverty to
inadequate prenatal care and infections, but for the clinicians who treat these women, this
[increasing prevalence of preterm births] is clear evidence of a healthcare system in crisis," he said.

   Dr. Benjamin urged physicians to get involved in organized medicine activities directed toward increasing policy-makers' awareness of both the current problems and the consequences that high infant mortality and poor preterm birth statistics herald — economically and in health status — for the decade ahead.

   "It really doesn't take long to get to know your elected officials, and it doesn't take a lot of time to get involved — and we know that physician involvement can make a difference" in how policy is shaped, Dr. Benjamin said.

   Another alarming finding of the report, jointly produced by the APHA, United Health Foundation, and Partnership for Prevention, was the meteoric rise in obesity, which increased by 97% between 1990 and 2003.

   "To successfully combat this [obesity] epidemic, we must mobilize our community resources and develop effective public policies," said Reed Tuckson, MD, vice president for United Health
Foundation, adding that an estimated 22.8% of the U.S. population is obese and that the obesity
rate rose 3.2% in the last year alone.

  However, the report highlights several positive developments in the last year that have the
potential to yield overall health improvement. These include the 17% increase in per-capita
spending on public health activities, a 4% decrease in smoking prevalence, and a 2% decrease in
deaths from cardiovascular disease. Incidence of infectious disease also declined in most states.

  There was also a slight upward tick in high school graduation rates, from 67.3% to 68.3%, a
finding that Dr. Benjamin called "somewhat encouraging," given the known association between
education and health issues awareness.

  The great disparities in overall health among the states, which correlates closely with poverty levels and the number of uninsured  patients, combines to present a persistent challenge for public health workers and physician providers, Dr. Benjamin said. In Oregon, for example, the percentage of children in poverty increased from 12.4% to 20.1% during the past decade compared with a 13% decrease in child poverty in Mississippi.

   APHA 132nd Annual Meeting: News conference. Presented Nov. 9, 2004.

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