
  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > IsoRay公司研制成功用于治療前列腺癌的銫-131放射源  


【?2004-11-29 發布?】 美迪醫訊


美國IsoRay公司(Richland,WA,USA)研制成功了銫-131(Cesium-131)近距離放射植入活性源,為男性前列腺癌患者提供了一項實用的替代治療手段。華盛頓大學醫療中心(Seattle,WA,USA的助理教授Leroy Korb博士說:“銫-131活性放射源由IsoRay公司研制成功,該產品與目前市場上其它類型的放射源相比,具有半衰期較短、達到總放射劑量的時間較短的優點。我們相信它將成為男性前列腺癌患者近距離放射治療的有效選擇。”就是在該中心進行了放射源植入患者體內的操作程序。




First Use of Cesium-131 to Treat Prostate Cancer

In the first major innovation in brachytherapy in more than 15 years, physicians have for the first time implanted a new kind of radioactive seed in a prostate cancer patient.

The cesium-131 (Cs-131) brachytherapy implant seed was developed by IsoRay (Richland, WA, USA; www.isoray.com) and provides another practical alternative for men with prostate cancer. “The Cs-131 seed developed by IsoRay offers a shorter half-life and faster delivery of the total radiation dose than the other types of seeds currently on the market. We believe it will be an effective option for men choosing brachytherapy to treat their prostate cancer,” said Dr. Leroy Korb, assistant professor of radiation oncology at the University of Washington Medical Center (Seattle, WA, USA; www.uwmedicine.org), where the implantation procedure was performed.

The Cs-131 seed has a half-life of 9.7 days, compared to 60 days for the iodine-125 seed. It delivers more than 90% of its total radiation dose in less than 33 days. “The new Cs-131 seed has a significantly higher dose rate than iodine, allowing for the delivery of more radiation in a shorter period of time to maximize its effectiveness. The treatment is over in one-sixth the time of iodine seeds and leaves the body 500 days faster,” said Dr. Korb.

The investigators will implant the first Cs-131 seeds in a 74-year-old man; the procedure takes about 45 to 60 minutes. Needles are used to implant the seeds, which are smaller than a grain of rice. No incision or suturing is necessary, and it is typically an outpatient procedure. The patient is usually back to work and daily activities within two to three days. Because of the shorter duration of treatment with Cs-131, side effects may be lessened, such as urinary urgency, incontinence, or pain. In the University of Washington prostate cancer program, approximately 50% have chosen radiation treatment and the other 50% have chosen surgery. Out of the group that chose radiation, approximately 30% had external beam radiation and 20% had implanted seeds.

“We are very pleased to be the first to offer this new type of treatment at UV Medical Center, and to partner with IsoRay, a Washington-based company,” concluded Dr. Korb.

本文關鍵字: 前列腺癌,治療 
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