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Dade Behring公司獲得預測心臟病發作的新技術

【?2004-12-11 發布?】 美迪醫訊

Dade Behring公司從美國Cleveland診所獲得如下授權:將髓過氧化物酶自動檢測商品化的特定半獨有權利。



Cleveland診所心血管科主任Eric J. Topol醫學博士說:“一項簡單的血液檢測就能夠幫助醫生鑒別出存在心臟損害危險的患者是令人興奮的,我們需要建立肌鈣蛋白的檢測來改變醫學發展現狀,髓過氧化物酶檢測或許是達到這個目標的途徑之一。”

Dade Behring to Develop Cardiac Marker Tests
Certain semi-exclusive diagnostic rights for the commercialization of automated diagnostic tests using myeloperoxidase (MPO) have been granted to Dade Behring (Deerfield, IL, USA) by The Cleveland Clinic (OH, USA).

According to research conducted at The Cleveland Clinic, MPO testing may be particularly beneficial in patients with chest pain who exhibit low initial troponin (a) levels, usually an indication that no heart muscle cells have died. In this case, the presence of an elevated MPO level has been linked to risk for subsequent cardiac events. Therefore, a simple MPO blood test has the potential to help doctors identify patients at risk of subsequent heart attack and refer them for treatment prior to the occurrence of heart damage.

Researchers at the Cleveland Clinic investigated initial MPO levels in more than 600 patients in the emergency room complaining of chest pain. By using an MPO blood test in addition to laboratory-based risk assessments, they increased their ability to identify patients who would have heart problems during the next 30 days to six months from 54% to 85%. A larger study in Europe has confirmed these results.

“The potential of a simple blood test to help identify patients at particular risk of heart damage is very exciting,” commented Eric J. Topol, M.D., chairman of The Cleveland Clinic’s department of cardiovascular medicine. “We need to build on the great success of the troponin test in changing medicine, and the MPO test may be a way to do that.”

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