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【?2004-12-15 發布?】 美迪醫訊

第一種用于胸部X線早期肺癌檢測的人工智能系統獲得了美國食品藥品管理局的許可。在臨床試驗中,放射科醫生使用RapidScreen計算機輔助檢測技術,對早期肺癌的檢測率增加了23%,肺部腫塊檢測范圍在9~14毫米之間。該計算機輔助檢測系統是由Riverain醫療公司(Dayton OH, USA)研制成功的。


“使用RapidScreen作為常規胸部X線初步篩查方法,補充的檢查方法,比如CT(計算機X線斷層掃描技術)可以用于進一步鑒別與證實肺部結節的性質,”美國喬治敦大學醫學中心(Washington DC, USA)的Matthew Freedman醫生指出。Freedman醫生是研制用于早期肺癌診斷計算機輔助檢測技術的先驅者。“胸部X線計算機輔助檢測提高了胸部放射檢查的價值。臨床試驗已經證實計算機輔助檢測技術能夠增強放射科醫生在常規X線檢查中發現可疑肺部結節的能力?!?/FONT>

AI Technology Diagnoses Early Lung Cancer

The first artificial intelligence (AI) system for chest x-ray early-stage lung cancer detection has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In clinical trials, radiologists working with the RapidScreen computer-aided detection (CAD) technology demonstrated a 23% increase in detection accuracy for lung modules ranging from 9-14 mm in size. The CAD system was developed by Riverain Medical (Dayton OH, USA).

Detecting and treating more lung cancers in the earliest stage has the potential to save 54,000 lives annually in the United States alone. Currently, only 15% of lung tumors are found when they are small solitary pulmonary nodules in the 9-14 mm size. Small lung tumors detected within this range present the most significant prospect for earlier treatment for patients. It is estimated that lung tumors found at this stage may be controlled or cured in up to 85% of all patients.

“After initial screening and detection with RapidScreen using routine chest x-rays, complementary technologies such as CT [computed topography] may be used to further characterize and confirm nodule identity,” stated Matthew Freedman, M.D., from Georgetown University Medical Center (Washington DC, USA). Dr. Freedman is a pioneer in CAD technology for early-stage lung cancer diagnosis. “Chest x-ray CAD enhances the value of the chest radiograph. Clinical trials have demonstrated that CAD prompt marks can increase the ability of radiologists to find suspicious nodules in routine x-rays.”

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