
  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > OmniGuide公司無需麻醉的喉部激光手術系統問世  


【?2004-12-17 發布?】 美迪醫訊


在過去,CO2激光已經被用于治療復發性乳突狀瘤,但是患者需要實施全身麻醉。現在OmniGuide光纖使用相同的CO2激光技術在門診即可完成,患者無需在手術室中接受手術。OmniGuide光纖通過柔軟的Pentax內窺鏡輸送激光能量,患者能夠在手術之后立即回家。OmniGuide光纖是一種中空的圓柱狀光子帶狀帽子光學光纖,是由OmniGuide通訊公司(Cambridge, MA, USA)研制成功的。

Wake Forest大學喉部疾病中心的聲帶與吞咽疾病中心(Winston-Salem, NC, USA)主任Jamie Koufman醫生操作了該手術,他說:“這項由OmniGuide公司推出的技術是劃時代的,將門診喉部手術推至一個新的高度;而且使得喉部手術在門診即可完成,而無需進入手術室。這樣每例手術成本將節約數萬美元,全國節約的成本將極其巨大。”Koufman醫生在喉部激光手術、咽喉部返流、以及其他形式的喉部重建手術領域的造詣極高。

Unsedated Laryngeal Laser Surgery
A minimally invasive procedure using a CO2 laser delivered endoscopically with a special fiber was able to clear growths in the larynx and trachea caused by recurrent respiratory papilloma (RRP) without the
need for anesthesia.

In the past, CO2 lasers have been used to treat RRP but only in the operating room, with the patient under general anesthesia. Now, the OmniGuide fiber allows use of the same CO2 laser technology but in a clinic setting instead of the operating room. The OmniGuide fiber delivers the laser energy through a flexible Pentax endoscope and the patient can go home immediately following the procedure. The OmniGuide fiber is a hollow-core cylindrical photonic bandcap optical fiber, developed by OmniGuide Communications, Inc. (Cambridge, MA, USA).

“OmniGuide has introduced a cutting-edge technology that will push outpatient laryngeal surgery to a new level; and, by moving most of laryngeal surgery out of the operating room and into the clinic, the cost savings per procedure will be measured in the tens of thousands of dollars, and the national cost savings will be huge,” commented Dr. Jamie Koufman, the director of the Center for Voice and Swallowing Disorders of Wake Forest University at the Voice Center (Winston-Salem, NC, USA), who performed the procedure. Dr. Koufman has pioneered work in laryngeal laser surgery, laryngopharyngeal reflux, and other forms of laryngeal rehabilitation surgery.

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