
  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Agfa公司研制出計算機X線放射攝影的數字轉換器  


【?2004-12-20 發布?】 美迪醫訊

CR75.0,一種新型計算機X線放射掃描(computed radiography, CR)系統,是一種用于集中CR環境的高通量CR系統;新型CR25.0是一種適合任何分散CR環境的多用途數字轉換器。



這兩種設備都是由Agfa公司(Mortsel, Belgium)研制成功的。兩種數字轉換器都可以提供完全整合式CR用戶工作臺,適合所有的CR設備。它的符合人體環境工程學的標準組件設計方式,極大地方便了膠片識別功能、膠片貯存、以及影像攝取、處理與傳送。

普通技術平臺配備這些數字轉換器,就能夠提供高水平的與均一的符合Agfa CR產品標準的影像資料,而且完全與現在使用的Agfa膠片與膠片盤兼容。兩種系統都能夠處理識別不同應用模式:因為提供了三種分辨率模式(最大50微米像素級別)所以不同應用要求。通過聯合使用合適影像分辨率模式與Musica處理運算法則,CR系統能夠精細調節,將影像細微之處調節至更高水平,適用于各種特定領域,比如整形外科、牙科、兒科、手足外科與放射治療。

Computed Radiography Digitizers
A new computed radiography (CR) system, the CR 75.0, is a high-throughput CR system for centralized CR environments, and the new CR 25.0 is a multi-application digitizer for any decentralized environment.

The 75.0 is a high-speed multi-user system, which features a unique drop-and-go buffer that eliminates waiting times, allows for a continuous workflow within the radiology department and enables the technologist to devote more time to patient care. Zero-button operation with automated cassette handling makes it a highly productive and user-friendly system.

The CR 25.0 is a fast, highly versatile, small footprint digitizer, providing an ideal system for any decentralized CR environment. This digitizer complements existing centralized CR systems, and can be used right inside the x-ray room, and is also suitable for mobile use, such as in vans, ships, and by the military. In addition, a unique characteristic of the CR 25.0 system is its ability to tackle the digital imaging requirements of the radiotherapy setting, from simulation to low- and high-dose portal imaging.

Both digitizers were developed by Agfa (Mortsel, Belgium). A fully integrated CR user station is available for both digitizers and is suitable for all CR settings. Its modular, ergonomic design facilitates cassette identification functions, cassette storage, image handling, processing, and dispatching.

The common technology platform on which these digitizers are based provides high-level and homogeneous image quality throughout the entire Agfa CR product ranges, and provides full compatibility with all existing Agfa cassettes and plates. Both systems can handle identical application ranges: they are suited for various applications as they provide three different resolution modes (up to 50 micrometer pixel size). By combining adapted image resolution modes and optimized Musica processing algorithms, the CR systems can fine-tune image details to higher level detail in very specific areas, such as orthopedics, dental, pediatrics, extremities, and radiotherapy.

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