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Cassi設備與棒狀冷凍工藝是由Sanarus醫療公司(Pleasanton, CA, USA)研制成功的。在醫生診療室發現患者有房結節的時候,就能夠使用Cassi當場進行快速活檢,而且只需要局部麻醉。這就免除了患者預約回訪接受活檢的麻煩,而且患者精神上的壓力也較小。

美國Lemoyne(PA, USA)私人開業的乳房外科醫生Angela Soto Hamlin醫生解釋說:“最近,使用Cassi的確很好地幫助我從我的患者獲取高質量組織標本。而使用這些標本,我就能夠做出更加準確的診斷。而且幫助我避免了為患者另外安排時間預約進行活檢或者送患者到手術室。”

Minimally Invasive Breast Biopsy Device
A new rotational large-core breast biopsy device is a fully automated, disposable handheld device that offers a minimally invasive alternative to traditional breast biopsy devices.

Called Cassi, the device requires no set-up time, performs quickly, and requires no capital equipment investment, saving doctors time and cost. The device uses proprietary Stick Freeze technology to deliver large, precise tissue samples with fewer passes. Once in place, Cassi quickly immobilizes the lesion with a “stick freeze” that secures the targeted tissue to the biopsy needle. A cutting cannula then rotates quickly over the needle to obtain the tissue sample. Larger tissue samples are proving more reliable than fine-needle aspirations in helping doctors to accurately diagnose the nature of a lesion.

Cassi and Stick Freeze were developed by Sanarus Medical, Inc. (Pleasanton, CA, USA). When a breast lump is detected during a visit to a doctor’s office, Cassi can be used to perform a biopsy immediately and with local anesthesia. This may eliminate the need to schedule a return visit to perform the biopsy and is less stressful for patients.

“Recently, Cassi proved instrumental in helping me obtain a quality tissue specimen from one of my patients,” explained Dr. Angela Soto Hamlin , a private-practice breast care surgeon in Lemoyne (PA, USA). “From this specimen I was able to make a more accurate diagnosis, one that helped me avoid the delay of scheduling her biopsy for another day or sending her to the operating room.”

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