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美國:麻醉醫師術前探視患者十分必要 【?2004-12-29 發布?】 美迪醫訊
根據芝加哥大學的的一項新研究發現,當患者在手術前得到負責他們的麻醉師探視的時候,患者安全感與滿意程度大大增加從而降低醫療成本。 這項為期6個月的研究包括了4,016例手術患者。那些進入手術室前得到麻醉師探視的患者,取消手術以及手術延期的比例都比較低;而取消手術以及推遲手術都會導致患者不滿,并且增加醫療成本。 盡管手術前需要麻醉師探視的患者通常更加虛弱,手術更加復雜,但是這些患者只有7.7%取消了手術;而那些手術前沒有麻醉師探視的患者有19%取消了手術。 芝加哥大學麻醉師David B. Glick醫生說:“從患者角度而言,麻醉師探視提供了一個患者與麻醉師以一種放松方式來探討各種問題以及各種非急需處理措施的機會,而患者所有問題都可以得到回答。這些探視還允許麻醉師對患者病情進行徹底評估,以及進行各種必要的術前檢查。這些結果很少能夠延緩或者取消手術。 目前在美國,政府以及私人保險業者并不承擔麻醉師術前探視的費用,因此當外科醫生提出患者需要這樣的探視的時候,麻醉醫師自己承擔費用。該研究結果在2004年10月美國拉斯維加斯舉行的美國麻醉醫師年會上做了報道。 Anesthesiologist Visit Urged Before Surgery The six-month study involved 4,016 surgical patients. Those patients seen by anesthesiologists in preoperative clinics before their surgery had fewer surgery cancellation rates and delays, which lead to dissatisfied patients and increased costs. Even though the patients who did received a preoperative evaluation by an anesthesiologist tended to be sicker and in need of more complex procedures, only 7.7% of procedures for these patients were cancelled, compared to a 19% cancellation rate for patients not seen by their anesthesiologist before surgery. “For the patient, the visits provide an opportunity to talk about options for anesthesia in a relaxed and unhurried setting and have all their questions answered,” explained David B. Glick, M.D., an anesthesiologist at the University of Chicago. These visits allow anesthesiologists to complete a thorough evaluation of the patients and order any presurgical tests indicated. This results in fewer delayed or cancelled surgeries. Currently in the United States, government and private insurers do not reimburse for visits to an anesthesia preoperative clinic, so when surgeons refer patients to such a clinic, the anesthesiology groups bear the cost. The study was presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists in Las Vegas (NV, USA) in October 2004. 本文關鍵字:
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