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英國Aircraft公司全便攜式視頻喉鏡面世 【?2005-01-17 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種全便攜式視頻喉鏡能夠大大減少高難度插管帶來的危險。 這種喉鏡能夠自我供電、自我照明,提供喉部清晰視野而且提供的高清晰度、一次性使用的刀片避免了交叉感染。這種設備配備了一體式微型相機與顯示工藝。由一次性刀片捕獲喉部影像,然后傳輸到裝在手柄頂部的壓縮式圓盤面板上。 這種新型Mcgrath系列5型喉鏡是Aircraft醫療設備公司科學家長達數年的國際研究與開發的成果,公司聲稱這是第一種全便攜式視頻喉鏡。公司與歐洲與美國的醫生進行了廣泛的合作,研制開發新型微型工藝滿足臨床實踐中急診醫學的迫切需求,該公司已經因為杰出的設計與技術進步獲得了國家獎勵。 Aircraft醫療公司聲稱,該公司研制產品的途徑與眾不同。“數以百計醫學專家為我們的研究與開發工作做出了貢獻。感染科護士、顧問麻醉師、受訓麻醉師、輔助醫護人員、復蘇工作人員、救護人員參與設計過程的每一階段。” Fully Portable Video Laryngoscope The self-powered, self-illuminating laryngoscope provides unrivalled vision of the larynx and offers high performance, single-use optical blades to combat cross-infection. The instrument has on-board miniature camera and display technology. An image of the larynx is captured by the disposable blade and is transferred to a compact flat panel mounted at the top of the handle. This new Mcgrath Series 5 laryngoscope is the result of four years of international research and development by scientists at Aircraft Medical (Edinburgh, UK), who said it is the first fully portable video laryngoscope. The company works extensively with doctors in Europe and the United States to develop new and miniaturized technology to meet real and urgent clinical needs, and has won numerous national awards for outstanding design and technologic development. Aircraft Medical states that its approach to product development is different. “Hundreds of medical specialists contribute to our research and development. Infection control nurses, consultant anesthetists, trainee anesthetists, paramedics, resuscitation officers, and ambulance crews are involved in every stage of the design process.” 本文關鍵字:
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