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首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Philips公司推出更安全的胎兒心率監測螺旋電極 |
Philips公司推出更安全的胎兒心率監測螺旋電極 【?2005-02-01 發布?】 美迪醫訊
設計螺旋電極是為了保證胎兒心率監測系統更加安全更加便于操作。 新特征包括可重復使用的更加易于清潔的leg-plate適配器電纜,新型螺旋電極具有釋放機制方便臨床醫生操作,螺旋尖頭包裹在插入式試管中從而提高了安全性。Leg-plate適配器是無縫合線的一片式設計,電子裝置完全密封,因此系統能夠浸泡在清潔消毒液體中。電極連接插座也是全封閉的,因此在監測過程中體液進入幾率很小。設計獨特的沖洗端口使得醫生能夠根據需要沖洗系統內部。 這種電極具有的螺旋尖頭包裹在插入試管中確保安全,降低了暴露于螺旋電極時候傷害母親或者醫生的可能性。這種新型胎兒螺旋電極解決方案是由菲利普醫療系統開發成功的,與菲利普、Agilent、Hewlett-Packard以及其它公司的監視器相兼容。 菲利普公司醫療耗材高級主任、總經理Jim Polewaczyk說:“這些新特征使得臨床醫生直接監測胎兒心率變得更加容易,而且可以持續提供可靠的讀數。我們一直尋找更好的途徑來滿足我們客戶的需要,這個系統的每一部分的設計都是與臨床醫生以及患者緊密合作的結果。” Spiral Electrode for Fetal Monitoring The features include a reusable leg-plate adapter cable that is easier to clean, a new spiral electrode with a release mechanism that is easier for clinicians to use, and a spiral tip that is secured within the insertion tube for increased safety. The leg-plate adapter has a seamless one-piece design and the electronics are completely sealed, so the system can be immersed in cleaning and disinfection fluids. The electrode connection socket is also sealed, so bodily fluids are less likely to enter during monitoring. A unique flushing port allows doctors to rinse the interior as needed. The spiral electrode features a spiral tip that is secured inside the insertion tube, reducing the possibility of injury to the mother or doctor as a result of an exposed spiral. This new fetal spiral electrode solution was developed by Philips Medical Systems (Best, The Netherlands) and is compatible with the monitors of Philips, Agilent, Hewlett-Packard, and other companies. “These new features make direct fetal heart-rate monitoring easier for the clinician, while continuing to deliver reliable readings,” stated Jim Polewaczyk, senior director and general manager, medical consumables for Philip. “We are always looking for better ways to meet the needs of our customers, and every part of this system has been designed with the clinician and patient in mind.” 本文關鍵字:
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