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IMCO公司開發出PACS無線應用軟件 【?2005-02-02 發布?】 美迪醫訊
最近在無線便攜式數據處理技術上的進步使得在戶外網絡上安全保密地傳輸高度格式化的重要數據成為可能。無論診斷影像是否是高清晰度顯示,與診斷過程相關的信息需要壓縮無線工藝。 無線個人數字輔助技術十分符合醫學數字影像與通信基礎結構。在放射科診斷醫生與醫療專家之間及時交換重要數據,使用無線網絡比傳統通信交流方式更加迅速而便捷。 IMCO技術國際公司研發的新型無線應用軟件為圖像存檔與通信系統之間提供了無縫連接。新系統的特征包括:成本下降導致的生產力提高、獲取患者數據的速度更快、全天24小時不間斷的獲取患者信息(任何影像學資料)、在醫療保健機構之內甚至之外任何地方進入系統、從任何公共無線網絡(比如旅館、機場)撥號連接,在醫療機構內漫游、高速傳輸影像、警告、報告以及電子文檔。 一個好的系統設計保證網絡獨立于計算機和操作系統。另外一個設計要求是保證其對操作者而言簡單明了,而無論是使用硬件連接或者無線連接。這套軟件系統能夠在絕大多數醫療通信系統中使用而無需考慮制造商的因素。 Wireless personal digital assistant (PDA) technology fits well into the digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) infrastructure. By using a wireless network, timely important data exchanged between diagnostic radiologists and healthcare specialists can be induced more quickly and conveniently than with the traditional types of communication. A new wireless software application developed by IMCO Technologies International (Pewaukee, WI, USA) provides a seamless connection to a picture archiving and communication system (PACS). Features of this system include increased productivity with subsequent decreased costs, faster access to patient data, around-the-clock access to all patient information (any image), access from anywhere inside the healthcare facility or even beyond, through web-based dial-in from any public wireless network (I.e., hotel, airport), when roving within a facility, and high-speed distribution of images, alerts, reports, and electronic files. A good system design keeps the network independent of computers and operating systems. Another design feature makes it transparent to the users whether the devices on the network are using hard-wired or wireless connections. This wireless software system can be applied in most health communication systems while being vendor-neutral. 本文關鍵字:
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