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labtestsonline更新疾病篩查監測的新指南 【?2005-02-07 發布?】 美迪醫訊
根據一項近期對醫學權威的調查,在線實驗室檢驗(www.labtestsonline.org)升級更新了該網站對篩查監測的建議。 新建議充分考慮了對篩查頻率的不同觀點,提供一位或者兩位公認權威的意見,闡明他們認可或者不認可的意見。例如,對50多歲的成年人,網站提供詳細的前列腺癌篩查監測建議,包括美國癌癥學會、美國預防醫學學院、美國泌尿病學會、美國國立癌癥網絡的相同與不同觀點的細微之處。 關于前列腺篩查監測,對如何解釋前列腺特異抗原檢查結果、何時采用激進治療方法或者僅僅采用密切觀察病情變化,都有著不同的觀點。癌癥將僅僅緩慢生長或者是否危及生命的不確定性,許多治療措施的嚴重副作用,導致了許多爭論并進一步進行前列腺特異抗原檢查。這些情況都顯示了患者知情以及與他們的醫生討論病情以指導治療的重要性。 關于新篩查監測的信息來自一項規模復雜的調查結果,調查涵蓋了60多個政府機構、醫學學會、倡議與支持團體以及其它機構的文獻報道。 New Screening Guidelines from Lab Tests Online The new recommendations take into consideration differing opinions on how frequently screening tests should be performed by providing the view of one or two more-acknowledged authorities, clarifying the ways they agree and disagree. For example, for adults over the age of 50, the site offers details on screening recommendations for prostate cancer, including subtle common positions and differences of opinion among the American Cancer Society, the American College of Preventive Medicine, the American Urological Society, and the U.S. National Comprehensive Cancer Network. In the case of prostate cancer screening, there are varying perspectives on how to interpret prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test results, and on when radical treatment or just watchful waiting is appropriate. Uncertainties about which cancers will be slow growing and which will be life threatening, combined with serious side effects of many treatments, have generated debate and prompted further research on PSA testing. The evidence highlights the need for patients to be informed and to have ongoing discussions with their doctors about their risk factors to help guide their care. The information for the new screening pages is drawn from a comprehensive survey of current literature from more than 60 government agencies, medical societies, advocacy and support groups, and other organizations. 本文關鍵字:
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