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CardioSoft和NASA共同開發新型心電圖檢查技術 【?2005-03-02 發布?】 美迪醫訊
根據美國國家航空航天管理局(NASA, Washington, DC, USA)批準的技術,一種新型心電圖被設計做為高度精確的診斷工具。 這種高頻QRS心電圖(HFQRS),包括復雜的軟件算法庫,由CardioSoft公司(Houston, TX, USA)和NASA的約翰遜航空航天中心的研究人員共同開發。軟件算法庫實時測量心電圖QRS波或者心臟肌肉去極化時相的信號。目前使用的心電圖尚無法識別這些信號。 CardioSoft公司的共同創始人Saeed Moradi說:“我們的開發努力將使得高度精確、五分鐘靜息檢查(傳統心電圖隨時隨地能夠很方便開展)成為可能。與傳統心電圖相比較,迄今為止HFQRS精確性的提高已經被研究人員在超過800例患者中獲得了證實。” CardioSoft是一家領先的醫療技術公司,該公司致力于開發能夠改善面臨心臟病危險的患者的生命。該公司在2004年由一組醫生、工程師以及高科技醫療企業家組成。 Saeed Moradi說:“我們對將這種創新技術進行市場化感到十分高興,因為這種技術能對導致當今社會危害最大發病和致死疾病的診斷與控制產生深刻的影響。” The high frequency QRS (HFQRS) electrocardiogram, comprised of sophisticated software algorithms is being co-developed by CardioSoft (Houston, TX, USA) and researchers at NASA’s Johnson Space Center (also in Houston). The software algorithms measure, in real-time, signals present in the QRS complex, or heart-muscle depolarization phase, of the electrocardiogram. These signals are unrecognized by current ECG methods. “Our development efforts will enable a highly accurate, five-minute resting test that can be readily obtained whenever and wherever conventional ECG is performed,” stated Saeed Moradi, co-founder of CardioSoft. “Improved accuracy of HFQRS compared with conventional ECG has already been demonstrated in over 800 patients studied to date by leading researchers.” CardioSoft is a pioneering medical technology company that is developing products to improve the lives of people at risk for heart disease. The company was formed in 2004 by a team of doctors, engineers, and high-tech medical entrepreneurs. “We are very excited about commercializing this innovative technology, because it can have a real impact on the diagnosis and management of a major cause of morbidity and mortality in modern society,” added Saeed Moradi. 本文關鍵字:
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