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E&C公司開發出用于產科的患者病例系統 【?2005-03-03 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種用于產科的智能患者病例(IPROB)是一種產科從業人員的輔助工具,這種系統已經顯示在減少預防重大臨床錯誤方面有統計學意義。 IPROB提供了一項新工具有助于實時避免錯誤,并能夠提高產科部門的護理質量。系統的電子病例生成精細的記錄,主動為臨床醫生提供最高水平的護理支持,同時避免臨床錯誤。該系統的核心是智能基礎,由多達6500種產科最佳臨床方案以及13000臨床數據領域組成。IPROB的“推演引擎”使用這種精確而廣泛的臨床資料庫來分析患者當前資料,從而為臨床醫生提供護理、記錄、當前病情危險應對措施的合適選擇。系統包括廣泛的危險控制咨詢來幫助醫生根據醫院認可的最佳臨床措施來鑒別、區分、補救質量偏差。 該系統有E&C醫療智能公司(New York, NY, USA)研制開發。該公司正在為這項技術研發類似的適合醫院條件的通用患者護理應用軟件。IPROB系統近期已經被紐約的Lenox Hill醫院采用。 Lenox Hill醫院婦產科主任Michael Y. Divon醫生說:“將我們醫院訓練有素的醫護人員以及富于人情味的護理以及聯合應用最新科技正在建立我們醫院的好名聲,我們十分高興的宣布將IPROB工具包應用于我們的產科。” IPROB provides new tools to help eliminate errors in real-time and improve the quality of care in the obstetrics environment. The system’s electronic patient record generates meticulous documentation as it proactively supports clinicians in providing the highest level of care while avoiding clinical mistakes. At the core of the system is a knowledge-base comprising more than 6,500 best practice protocols in obstetrics and 13,000 clinical data fields. IPROB’s inference engine analyzes current patient data against this extensive clinical knowledge base to offer clinicians appropriate choices of care, documentation, and risk management for a current situation. The system includes an extensive risk management consultancy to help clinicians identify, isolate, and remediate quality deviations from the hospital’s accepted best practice. The system was developed by E&C Medical Intelligence, Inc. (New York, NY, USA). The company is developing similar applications of its technology throughout the patient-care environment. The IPROB system was recently adopted by Lenox Hill Hospital in New York (NY, USA). “Building on our reputation for combining the latest technology with highly skilled and compassionate care, we are pleased to announce the addition of E&C’s IPROB tool set for our OB unit,” said Michael Y. Divon, M.D., chairman, department of obstetrics and gynecology, Lenox Hill Hospital. 本文關鍵字:
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