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【?2005-03-04 發布?】 美迪醫訊




ColorectAlert是由IMI國際醫療創新公司(IMI, Toronto, Canada)研制開發的。 IMI公司規劃與臨床事務部經理Micheal Evelegh博士說:“很明顯,當前迫切需要患者能夠負擔的起的易于操作的大腸癌早期篩查方法。”該公司正在計劃開展大規模、多中心的前瞻性臨床試驗,希望獲得明確資料來支持這項篩查工具的有效性。
Novel Screen for Colon Cancer
A new test has shown the ability to detect more than half of all early-stage colorectal cancers.

The simple test can be performed in a doctor’s office to screen for early-stage cancer of the colon and rectum. Recent data show that the test, called ColorectAlert, had five times fewer false-positives than fecal occult blood tests, currently the leading method of screening.

ColorectAlert works by identifying a cancer-associated sugar in a sample of mucus collected by a doctor during a routine digital rectal exam. No blood or stool sample is needed. Since the sample is obtained directly from a doctor rather than by the patient, the test may contribute to more patient screening. Most other diagnostic tests for colorectal cancer require extensive patient preparation and an invasive procedure, while often delivering inconclusive results.

ColorectAlert was developed by IMI International Medical Innovations (IMI, Toronto, Canada). “Clearly, an affordable easy-to-use initial screen for early stage colorectal cancer is urgently needed,” stated Dr. Micheal Evelegh, head of regulatory and clinical affairs at IMI. The company is planning a major, multisite prospective trial that is expected to generate definitive data to support the test’s effectiveness as a screening tool.

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